Superchunk formed in the late 1980's in the musical hotbed
of Chapel Hill, North Carolina. They were one of several bands
(also: Archers of Loaf and Polvo) to evolve under the shadow
of UNC.
Superchunk started off as a punk rock band. During the first
few years their membership fluctuated before settling down on
the current foursome. The musical dynamic between the four members
is what has kept the bands many fans interested for so long.
Basically, the "Superchunk sound" is one of high-pitched
vocals (singer Mac has a somewhat "squeaky" voice)
screamed over dueling guitars (Mac vs. Jim Wilbur) with a plodding
bassline, and thundering drums (Mr. Wurster really beats the
heck out of his drums on stage -- i wonder how many he goes
Their initial acclaim came from releasing some great Punk anthems,
most specifically 1989's Slack Motherfucker. Their first
few albums were masterpieces of loud, energetic punk rock.
Eventually the band evolved more of a pop sensibility, with
their most recent releases being more mellow and less angstful.
Perhaps this has something to do with the fact that in 1989
Laura and Mac formed their own record label Merge Records.
I can see how being in charge of a label and having all that
responsibility can mellow a person out. Or maybe it is just
that they have heard so much music that they have evolved. Who
The fact is, despite the mellowing of their recorded sound,
Superchunk continue to sizzle live. Go check them out if they
come to your town. But go prepared to dance and sweat.
Also, as label owners Superchunk are the True Indie Rock Gods
of America. They stand for diversity in the musical scene, and