It seems like a while since I was last at the
excellent local Central Station, but things got off to a good
start. Camera opened strongly with a number that featured a
guitar line reminiscent of Heroes and a lovely crisp
bassline. So far so good, but I've seen a number of local bands
that have opened strongly and then faded badly, so I was interested
to hear what the rest of the set was like. And it was pretty
good - the singer has a fine voice that brought Tim Buckley
to mind (with a touch of Thom
Yorke thrown in) with a nice line in the falsetto department
and there were some neat harmonies. The material wasn't always
my cup of tea, but they definitely have potential.

Camera's vocalist.
Liverpool band The Dead 60's were great though. Their records
hadn't really prepared me for how hard, thrashy, and loud they
were at times. They were several numbers in before the ska
sound I associate them with got a real look, with the drums
coming on all Tommy Gun and the bass pretty PIL-like. But when
the guitarist, Ben Gordon, put down his instrument and started
on the organ we were firmly in Ghost Town territory.

The vocalist in The Dead 60s.
The reggae numbers were all dubby and amazingly authentic
sounding with the rhythm section of Charlie Turner (bass) and
Bryan Johnson (drums) holding it together beautifully like
some scouse Sly & Robbie. Perhaps more surprisingly, there
was also one moment when, with singer Matt McManamon dancing
around as he hit his cowbell and Gordon slashing away at his
guitar, it all sounded very Gang
of Four. The former single, Riot
Radio, was an obvious highlight, whilst new song Stand
Up had the three front men joining in the vocals on a Clash
type number. It wasn't their best song of the night for me,
but it could have hit potential.

McManamon of The Dead 60s.
This was a high energy performance, not least from McManamon, their engaging frontman who has a fine set of tonsils and an almost manic stare. They ended with a lively version of the wonderful Gangsters-like Ghostfaced Killer which capped off a fine performance and a hugely enjoyable night. Impressed.