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Event: |
The 2006 Other Sound Music Festival- Day 3 |
Date: |
Saturday.9.September.2006 |
Location: |
Lenny's now in Cabbagetown, Atlanta, GA |
Artists: |
Elevado, Dave Doobinin, Ferocious Bubbles,
The Blue Hour, Slushco
Reviewed by: |
and PostLibyan |
Photographs by: |
PostLibyan |
PostLibyan: |
Lenny's has existed as a cheesy dive in an old double-wide
with a view of Grant Park Cemetery for years. (It was once
called Dottie's, way back when.) However, the old trailer had
been dieing for years, and it was time to move. To that end,
Lenny's has purchased a nice, spiffy new space in a strip mall
off of Dekalb Avenue. The new club is awesome -- shiny, clean,
un-graffitied (so far), with a nice stage, tons of air conditioning
(the old trailer got awfully stuffy), and functioning restrooms.
If you would like to see some photos of the new Lenny's, look
here. |
Tracers: |
Did he mention the good water pressure? and the functioning
restrooms (even if one of the women's rooms didn't have a lock
on it)? YAY! |
PostLibyan: |
The weirdest thing about this evening was that, in addition
to this being the final night off The Other Sound 2006, this
was the second night of the new Lenny's. Employees' parents
showed up, and i think Lenny himself was there. There was barbeque,
ice cold PBR, bowls of pretzels... It was a nice, festive atmosphere,
and everyone seemed to be having a good time as they wandered
around and looked at the place
Tracers: |
Actually, the funniest part of the evening was seeing all
of the vaguely older people show up, and talk in their cellphones
about how their friends' bar had moved and they were coming to
open it. When I heard that, I turned to PostLibyan and said, "It's
a bar-warming! I should have brought a plant!" |
PostLibyan: |
The first act, Elevado, went on just before 8:45, so things
got a late start. (There were reasons for this, to be mentioned
later.) This was the second time we had seen Elevado, the first
being at Corndog this year, shortly after they added a percussionist/trumpeter.
At that performance the band didn't gel, and it seemed as if
the new member had not yet worked out his place in the band.
Well, this time they all fit in.

Elevado: not your normal rock act.
Elevado make music that is
a fascinating mix of pop, rock, dub, electronica, and jazz.
The beats come out of the mysterious gear at the back of
the stage, and they are thick, bass heavy, and echoing. The
guitarist plays trebly and fast, as if his big influence on
that instrument is Jon King. Overall, i think it's an interesting
sound, and i look forward to the record that they plan on having
out at the end of the year. |
Tracers: |
Elevado are a band that's hard for me to characterize; they
play some strange instrumentation with some off-kilter, sort
of jazzy riffs. Yet I like them, especially now that their
latest member seems to have figured out is role in the band.
the only complaint I had about their set was that it was a
little too loud, which made it hard for me to appreciate any
intricacies in their music. Still, it was only the second night
on Lenny's new sound system, so any difficulties in the mix
were likely more due to the newness of the equipment as opposed
to any issues with the band themselves.

Elvado: jazziness and a TV sculpture.
PostLibyan: |
One of the reasons the show was delayed was that the second
act was a solo singer/songwriter who was driving down from
New York and had been incommunicado on the highway, so no one
was really sure if he would make it. He did. His name is Dave
Doobinin, and he played a nice, short set despite a cold and
having driven all day. He has a rich voice, kind of like Mark
Kozelek. But not in tone, in some sort of depth ... i am not
a singer so i am not sure what i am referring to. There is
a deepness to the voice, but i am not saying that Doobinin
is a bass. Anyway, it was rather pleasant. Plus, he is a pretty
good guitarist, doing more than just strumming in 4/4 time
as he sings. I thought he put on a decent set.

Dave Doobinin's gear: notice the What
Made Milwaukee Famous sticker!
Tracers: |
Acoustic singer-songwriter music is not really my thing, even
if inevitably the songwriter mentions a cat. Yet, Dave Doobinin
was quite cool and interesting. When PostLibyan talks about a
resemblance to Mark Kozelek,
I think he's talking about the phrasing of the songs and they
way the music and songs are so organic in their interplay. Likewise,
Doobinin's voice is very evocative so that, even when he's singing
about simple events and straight-forward things, he grabs the
listener's attention and forces your focus. That's a great talent,
and one a solo performer needs to keep people's interest. I enjoyed
his set, and thought that because of his energy and intensity,
it wasn't out of place at all between the two full bands which
surrounded him.

Dave Doobinin at work.
PostLibyan: |
So Mr. Doobinin's long drive was one of the reasons that
things were running late. The other is that Askeleton had to
cancel, as they were unable to make it down from the Midwest.
Birmingham, AL's Ferocious Bubbles were willing to fill in,
but it took them a while to get here. And it took them forever
to set up, but in their defense they do have a lot of complex
instruments, including 2 keyboards, a mess of pedals, and a
strange box that had keys on one end and was full of metal

What the heck is this thing called?
Tracers: |
For the second time in the weekend, I saw something I want
(the other being Carrie's dress!).
I don't know what that strange box with the pipes and keys was,
but I do know I want one. It reminded me a bit of the whirlygig
that Athenians Empire
State used to play during their live set.
Unlike Empire State, the guy
from Ferocious Bubbles (truly a great band name) played his
strange instrument more than once during the set, and that made
me truly truly happy.

The box thing in action.
PostLibyan: |
This is the second time i have seen this band, and both
times i have been terribly impressed. They make complex and
really beautiful music. The instrumentation is weird, and more
often than not somewhat sparse (especially seeing as they had
so much gear that they looked crowded on stage). The great
thing is that everyone else in the crowd seemed to be enjoying
their set. That's good. The band is doing something fresh,
and i want them to continue.

Nick Punch of Ferocious Bubbles multi-tasking.
Tracers: |
I do like Ferocious Bubbles. The heart of their band is
Pete Szelenbaum, the primary singer-songwriter. His vocal
style is so very tenuous that it plays into the sparseness
of the music and gives it an extra resonance and meaning, if
that makes sense. In some ways, the band reminds me a little
of Neutral Milk Hotel, but not in their sound but rather in
their spirit and introversion. It's like the band is trying
to show you something quiet and personal rather than tossing
their music at you. I'm not sure if that makes any sense, but
there's a fragility to the band's sound that is appealing to
me, at least.

Pete Szelenbaum on vocals.
PostLibyan: |
Up next were The Blue Hour, playing as a 2 piece tonight.
Well, a 1 and a half piece. There was Ms. Tracy Clark on xylophone
and bass, and a very very drunk Keith Vogelsong on guitar and
Ipod beats, barely. They played a very sloppy set. Mr. Vogelsong
had just a bit too much to drink. Ms. Clark took it all in
stride though, and the people in the crowd, most of whom knew
the drunkard, taunted him lovingly. Not a set to recommend,
but normally the Blue Hour are better than that.

Tracy Clark smiling about being, by far,
the sober bandmate
this evening.
Tracers: |
O.k., so The Blue Hour were sloppy, but you could still hear
the frenetic catchiness of their music through the various mishaps.
I still enjoyed it. But then again, I am also the veteran of
too many sloppier, drunker performances by any number of Athens
and / or Atlanta band over the years. I mean, neither guitars
nor silly string went flying this evening, so it wasn't that

The Blue Hour did, in fact, manage to finish a few songs.
PostLibyan: |
They tore down, and at just about 12:30, Slushco took the
stage. I don't think i have ever seen this band before, which
is a shame because they make very fun synthpop. The band has
a really great sense of melody, so much so that there is a certain
Weezer-ishness to them. They are a four-piece, adding a stout
bearded keyboardist to the standard power pop trio lineup. The
keyboardist was very entertaining. He danced, clapped his hands,
did jumping jacks, played with a flourish, and sand along happily.
His energy was contagious, and i think that it really helped
to make this an enjoyable set.
Slushco in action.
Tracers: |
When Slushco took the stage, I was a little tired and was
thinking maybe I should go ahead and wander home. But their nice
dancey fun power pop music immediately caught me, and I stood
entranced by just how much FUN they were having on the stage.
The music had great melody, and the keyboards were used well,
and the crowd just danced around having a grand old time, as
if they were mirroring the joy emanating from the stage. Such
a great way to end the festival, and I'm definitely glad I stuck
it out. |
PostLibyan: |
Slushco finished at about 1:30. There was one more band,
some act called SIDS that i know nothing about, but we were
beat. Three days, 16 bands. Wow, what a long weekend. Still,
there was a lot of strength here. There are good bands in Atlanta,
you just have to look for them. And we learned new bands (Venice
Is Sinking, Slushco, Gentlemen Caller) that are worthwhile
and that EvilSponge will be on the lookout for in the future.
I hope that they do The Other Sound festival next year. This
year was a lot of fun. |
Related Links:
Read the entire 2006 Other Sound review:
Day 1: Parade, Venice Is Sinking, Hot Young Priest,
No River City, Spectralux
Day 2: Five
Foot Flame, Engineering, The Preakness, Faith Kleppinger, Gentleman Caller, Ultrababyfat
Day 3: Elevado, Dave
Doobinin, Ferocious Bubbles, The Blue Hour, and Slushco
Added bonus material:
Photo gallery:
nice guitars at 2006 Other Sound
Photo gallery:
Pedal fetishism at 2006 Other Sound
Photo gallery:
The new Lenny's Bar
In addition, some of these acts have been reviewed before.
Links within the review point you to the appropriate places.
Band information:
Dave Doobinin:
Ferocious Bubbles:
downloads located here!)
The Blue Hour:
Slushco: |
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