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Event: |
South By Southwest 2007 - Day 3 |
Date: |
Friday.16.March.2007 |
Location: |
Austin, TX |
Artists: |
You Am I, Airbourne, The Oohlas, Picastro,
Saturday Looks Good
To Me, Mistress Stephanie and Her Melodic Cat, Tijuana Hercules,
The Faint |
Reviewed by: |
and PostLibyan |
Photographs by: |
PostLibyan |
PostLibyan: |
This day started off poorly, with Tracers becoming sick
to the stomach from the egg noodles she had at Mekong River
the night before. So we got a late start.
Music began at around
3:45 PM at Aussie day at the Brush Square Tent, just across
from the convention center. I grabbed a free Cooper's Pale
Ale (when i commented that i was surprised they didn't have
a keg of Foster's, the Aussie manning the beer table said, "We
don't really drink that swill at home"!),
and enjoyed the nice warm sunlight for You Am I. This band
made normal indie rock, and although i wouldn't say they were
awful they also really didn't impress me. Of course, there
are hundreds of bands that sound similar. One weird thing --
the way that the vocalist tried to hide his Australian accent
when he sang came across like a South Georgia drawl. That is,
by trying to sing in "normal" English, he ended up
sounding like he was from Vidalia. Weird.

You Am I from South Australia, apparently.
You Am I utilized The Super Pedal!
As i waited for the
next Aussie band to set up, i stood there looking about the
crowd. And who should be standing about 3 people away but
Jim White, drummer in one of my favorite bands ever, The
Dirty Three. I knew he was doing some solo performances at the
fest, but to see him standing around in the crowd with a beer
was kind of cool. I geeked out for a moment and snuck a surreptitious

Look! It's one third of The Dirty Three.
The next Aussie band set up an impressive array of
Marshall stacks, which means that they intended to be LOUD-oud-oud-oud
in the outdoor tent.

Check out the wall of Marshall's behind Airbourne!
They are called Airbourne, and they
made good old-fashioned Australian heavy metal. You know,
in many ways it must be hard for Australian musicians to crawl
out from under the shadow of AC/DC. I pretty much expect
to hear at least one AC/DC tune at any club i go to here in
Atlanta -- their music is ubiquitous. That must be hard to
get over... And Airbourne obviously decided that they weren't
even going to try. So they're Australian, right? And they make
metal, right? And they sound kind of like AC/DC (with a little
bit of early Iron Maiden thrown in), right? Yeah, that's about
it. But i have to admit, they were fun, and just the right
thing for the middle of the afternoon.

Good old-fashioned Australian head-banging!
I left before
they finished and headed into the convention center to The
Rat Bar. This is actually a giant sound stage made up to
look like a bar in a club. It is equipped with expensive looking
film gear, and my guess is that playing here is something
sold to bands who want to record a live video. We went to see
the video filming for The Oohlas, who impressed so much the
night before. Today, they were great. I do like this band,
and will look for them to trek all the way across the country
from LA so that i can see them again. They make happy, loud,
energetic music of the type i like to listen to in the car
as i drive. It's very sunshine-y/stuck in traffic music to
me. Tracers says that they remind her of The Breeders, but
i would say that The Oohlas are more upbeat than Kim Deal
ever was. Either way, good stuff. |
Tracers: |
After a sickly day, I got tired of feeling sorry for myself,
and trudged out to get a cure for anything that ails me and
my stomach: a Smoothie. Yeah, that's not very rock, but you
know what? Who cares? Feeling much better (and determined to
not be a downer), I wandered over to The Rat Bar to meet up
with PostLibyan. This was a venue set up inside a room at The
Convention Center where bands were being telecast live on Direct
TV. This probably explained all the painted side drops, which
tried to make the "bar" look like, say Lenny's, instead
of a expensively put together TV set.

The Oohlas make a video.
Still, I really liked
The Oohlas on this afternoon. The clear, crisp sound suited
them well, although the large stage sort of dwarfed the small-ish
band. Likewise, their happy brand of pop translated really
well to the crowd. In fact, I only had one complaint about
The Oohlas: the lead singer's dressed was a scary scary thing
(scarier that anything about The Horrors, in fact). Looking
at it on the monitors, it seemed more subdued, but in person,
it was like a flourescent fifth member of the band. |
PostLibyan: |
After that, it was time to head out for food. Tonight's
choice: Korean food at a small shop next door to The Beauty
Bar. I had an excellent bibimbop and some vegetable kim pop.
Nice and spicy!
We chose the Korean place because it was conveniently
near Red 7, where Polyvinyl night was scheduled. It has occurred
to me that i always end up at Polyvinyl night. I suppose
that is because as a label they produce catchy pop music of
a type i really like. It's a good label, and we headed to the
showcase to catch a full set by Saturday
Looks Good To Me.
But first, there was an opener: Picastro. I am not familiar
with this act at all. Tonight, Picastro was one vaguely tired
looking woman with an acoustic guitar. She did comment that "sometimes
i have a band", but apparently they couldn't make it tonight.
She played, well, acoustic folk pop, kind of like Faith
Heck, she would have fit right in at Eddie's Attic! She also
borrowed SLGTM's keyboards for a few songs, and a few times
her voice vibrated with a natural tremolo that gave those songs
a melancholy undertone, kind of like what Jason Molina did
in Songs:Ohia.

Her set was okay. I was not terribly impressed,
but i did not hate it either. However, there was one problem:
about 50 feet away, on the outside back patio at Red 7, another
stage was set up, and a loud punk band were playing out there.
Their sound spilled into the inside of Red 7, and Picastro
just wasn't loud enough to overcome the noise. It sort of
detracted from her set. |
Tracers: |
I really felt for the woman from Picastro. Her music would
have worked rather well in a quieter venu; however the live,
punk-rock remix that took place overwhelmed the more intimate
portions of her set. This effect was particularly bad as the
bands playing outside were still loading in through the main
venue, thereby unleashing a loud fast torrent of RAWK every
time someone took an amp outside.
PostLibyan: |
After that, Saturday Looks
Good To Me took the stage. They
started off as an 8-piece band, adding accordion and saxophone
to the mix, and everyone was dressed all in white like one
of those "cult" bands that were trendy back in the
late 90s.

Saturday Looks like a cult To Me, in all white
They kicked off their set with a little sax-based
jam that segued into something very Motown-y. Fred Thomas does
Motown so great, and current SLGTM vocalist Bettie Marie Barnes
does an excellent job. They played a great set, including Alcohol and
Girl's Distracted, both of which came across great
in concert. As the show progressed, musicians drifted off the
stage, so that at the end when they were doing new tunes, the
band was down to a 5-piece. Overall, a great performance. |
Tracers: |
For regular readers of this site, you may know I have something
of a love/hate relationship with Saturday
Looks Good to Me.
Sometimes, I see them and I think
they are one of the best bands I've ever heard. Other times, I
want to smack at least one member of the band around and yell, "What
are you thinking?"

Bettie-Marie Barnes has bells.
Luckily, it was the former band that showed
up to play tonight. They started off with primarily older material
and then gradually removed members until they were down to
the stripped down band we first heard
on Wednesday. This odd
game of musical chairs worked for them. More importantly, for
the only time in the many years, I heard them sing my absolute
favorite SLGTM song, The
Sun Doesn't Want to Shine. When Fred Thomas began
to sing that tune, my entire skeleton began to vibrate until
I thought I might be having a religious experience. Wow. Truly,
a great performance. |
PostLibyan: |
We headed out from Polyvinyl night to go see something silly:
Mistress Stephanie And Her Melodic Cat. This is a "schtick" band.
They dress up in costume (Mistress Stephanie in lingerie, the
guitarist/cat in cat ears) and play German Cabaret music. This,
gentle readers, was spectacle.
Mistress Stephanie and ... |
... her Melodic Cat. |
Their act consisted of an elaborate
series of jokes interspersed with songs. It was remarkably
well rehearsed. They had one number called Lola in
which Mistress Stephanie would sing a bit, then when she looked
away the Melodic Cat would lead the band into a brief interlude
of the old Kinks song of the same name. Then Mistress Stephanie
would yell at him, and they would go back to her Lola for
a while... You would think that after 5 minutes the joke would
wear thin, but i think they pulled it off. Musically, this
act was nothing special. Live though, it was a fun to watch.
Definitely enjoyable in a very weird sort of way.
Tracers: |
I have cats. PostLibyan has cats. How could we not end up
seeing this band? As Postlibyan mentions, this was sheer spectacle,
albeit in a weird 30s-style cabaret sense. Furthermore, it
was so tightly rehearsed that I couldn't help but be impressed
at both the characterization as well as the band's ability
to make something odd just work. I'm not sure I'd want to see
them on a regular basis, but for another random band (chosen
simply for the name), I have to say that I rather enjoyed them.
PostLibyan: |
We left before they were done because we had a 13 block
trek to Molotov to see the next act, EvilSponge favorites Tijuana
Hercules. It has been many
years since we saw John Forbes and his band. Since then we have received a few promos, and they
continued to sound great. I was looking forward to seeing the
one guy in the band beat the crap out of some coffee cans,
as they used to do.
Imagine my surprise when we got there and
saw them setting up with no coffee cans. And instead of a
three-piece, Tijuana Hercules were a 7-piece band, including
a guy with a laptop, a harmonica player, and a 3-man horn section!
In the past, Tijuana Hercules made a dirty rock-n-roll type
of music that hinted at the blues. Now, the band has been reborn
as a full-on Chicago blues band. Heck yeah.

Tijuana Hercules kicking it old school.
Tracers: |
When we first went into the Molotov, I saw the band setting
up. I didn't see cans. I didn't see the tiny little antique
amp John Forbes always plays. I was concerned; in fact, I checked
to make sure we hadn't accidentally wandered into someone else's
set. But when Mr. Forbes came on stage, I knew it was Tijuana
Hercules, even if it wasn't the band I remembered.

Tijuana Horn Section.
PostLibyan: |
They tore into their set with a fury, the harmonica player
-- excuse me, let me use the lingo of the scene -- the blues
harpist blowing away, the horns dancing and blasting, and John
Forbes standing in the middle of it all, a six-string, alligator
skin boots, and a gravelly voice. Simply glorious.

Blow that harp, man!
I grew up
with that sort of music -- my dad was a big fan of Sam and
Dave, and tonight Tijuana Hercules put on a set that old
Chicagoans would be proud of. In fact, they made such a racket
that people poured down from the upstairs patio of the bar
to watch, and people walking by in the street also stopped
and stared, smiling and shuffling their feet.

As people came downstairs just to listen to Tijuana Hercules,
some didn't make it all the way down the stairs...
Tijuana Hercules
ended their set with a lovely old-fashioned blues call and
response number that got the crowd clapping and shouting
along. I think, in all honesty, that everyone there had a great
time. I know i sure did. |
Tracers: |
You know, I really shouldn't have been concerned about this
new version of Tijuana Hercules. John Forbes et al have always
musically tended towards Chicago blues. On this evening, it
was clear that his vision and love had been fully realized.
The band really tore up the stage (such as it is) and showed
so much skill and enthusiasm that they won over the entire
crowd. In particular, I enjoyed the horn section and their
attempts at percussion (I think one guy was hitting a rubber
ducky?) whist the guitar and harmonica wailed away in the forefront.
In the end, I have to say that this set was probably my favorite
one from the entirety of SxSW07.

Duckie Solo!
PostLibyan: |
We hung out a bit afterwards to say hi to Mr. Forbes. We
chatted a bit, then trekked back 12 blocks to Eternal. After
a set as energetic and high-spirited as that, the only logical
choice was to go see a band play energetic dance music. So
we went to see The Faint.

The Faint, from above.
I have long loved The Faint, but
i have never had the chance to see them before. Not that
i saw them tonight, because by the time we got to Eternal,
the club was so packed that i could not get anywhere near the
stage. Fortunately Eternal has good acoustics, so we were able
to stand in the back and hear just fine.
Tracers: |
It was packed and hot at Eternal, a deep, somewhat narrow
club. Suffice to say that with the crowd and the shape of the
club, I couldn't see a damn thing. But that was perfectly alright
by me. I could hear The Faint, and I believe they sounded better
live (on this evening) than I've ever heard them sound on record.
Certainly, all of the folks around me loved the music as they
danced and bounced, flinging sweat and beer into the steamy

The Faint's guitarist, thrashing it up.
PostLibyan: |
And The Faint sounded wonderful. They make elctroclash --
heck, they practically invented the genre. The music is crunchy
beats, soaring synths, loud guitar, and vocals. They sounded
remarkably like they do on record, which i guess isn't that
surprising. I really enjoyed the live version of The
Engineer off of Danse Macabre that
they did.

The Faint in action.
Basically i spent their set bouncing around like
a fool in the heat of Eternal. But eventually the heat plus
the 24 block walk caught up to us, and we headed out near
the end of the set, to beat the crowd to the door, and head
back to hotel for a much deserved rest.
This was a good night
of music. |
Related Links:
Read the entire South by Southwest 2007 review:
1 featuring Saturday Looks Good To Me, Minmae, Rahim, Tammany Hall
Machine, Through the Sparks, Al G., Faceless Werewolves, Oxford
Collapse, Kinski
Day 2 featuring
Headlights, Kaki King, The Stars of Track and Field, Chairs
of Perception, Hummersqueal, Trances Arc, The Apostles of Hustle,
The Dears, The Oohlas, The Horrors
Day 3 featuring:
You Am I, Airbourne, The Oohlas, Picastro, Saturday Looks Good
To Me, Mistress Stephanie and Her Melodic Cat, Tijuana Hercules,
The Faint
Day 4 featuring
Lee Scratch Perry, My Latest Novel, Field Music, Tilly and
the Wall, The Pipettes, +/-, The High Strung
In addition, some of these acts have been reviewed
before. Links within the review point you to the appropriate
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