The 7 Sponge Rating Standard for Album
The details of this Rating System
have been composed by PostLibyan. This is a good thing, since he does the
bulk of the Concert Reviews at any rate.
One Sponge: This is pure, unadulterated CRAP.
Don't waste your time. Brendan will harm these people if he ever
encounters them at a bar.
Two Sponges: This is better than sheer crap,
but on the whole it is still a weak album. The recording in question
is for true fans of that artist/genre only.
Three Sponges: This is an average album.
Could serve as fodder for a nameless pop station.
Four Sponges: A decent album, that fans of
the given artist/genre will think is "tha bomb". Others
will probably disagree.
Five Sponges: An above average album. Will
emotionally touch the average human being.
Six Sponges: A pretty damn good album, but
not quite the pinnacle of the recording arts.
Seven Sponges: An instant classic. BUY NOW
or you won't be able to say "Oh, i got that when it came
out!" Also, if Brendan encounters you and you don't have
it, there will be consequences!