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Event: |
Corndogorama 2007 - Day 3 |
Date: |
Sunday.15.July.2007 |
Venue: |
Lenny's Bar |
Location: |
Midtown Atlanta, GA |
Artists: |
Dang Dang Dang, Chickens and Pigs, Seraphix,
Moorish Idols, Tenth to the Moon, Dig Your Hole, Slackey Family
Circus, The Sudden Rays, Jupiter Watts, and The Forever War |
Reviewed by: |
and PostLibyan |
Photographs by: |
PostLibyan |
PostLibyan: |
Day 3 of Corndogarama is never pretty: carnage in the form
of very hungover people, trash, and spilled beer covers the
landscape. Even at the new, larger venue of Lenny's, Sunday
started off kind of ugly. We showed up at 12:20, twenty minutes
after opening and 10 minutes before the second act was supposed
to go on. However, they were still trying to get the bands
to load in, so the dozen or so early spectators milled around
outside, drinking coffee and watching very tired looking staff
members slouch around. |
Tracers: |
Day three was a grey dreary day, with light sprinkles falling
on us as we stood outside Lennys. It was also particularly steamy,
considering the rain that had fallen in buckets by the end of
the previous evening. And not surprisingly, everything was running
behind. Ah, day three, when the schedule begins to fall apart… |
PostLibyan: |
When they finally let us in, we went down the hill to the
outside stage to grab a nice seat in the shade before Chicken
and Pigs started. However, opener Dang Dang Dang were setting
up on one side of the stage, with Chickens and Pigs on the
other side… So we had to watch Rick Dang, already drunk, play
before we could see the vaguely silly county pop of Chickens
and Pigs.
Rick Dang looks about 1,000 years old; a stick of
a man with stringy gray hair, a beer, and a cigarette. He always
has a beer and a cigarette. I'm not sure how he does it… Anyway,
Rick Dang and his two backup players (Bass Dang and Drums Dang,
i suppose) play a sort of normal blues rock. Rick really gets
into though, thrashing his guitar around and obviously having
a lot of fun. His energy is contagious, and watching him play
is kind of fun. I find his music to be un-special, but he is
a genuine character…

Rick Dang, what a character...
Tracers: |
I'm not sure Postlibyan does Rick Dang justice. Sometimes
he has two beers, and a cigarette. In all seriousness though,
Rick Dang and his band seem like a perfect opening act for
the hangover-fest that is Sunday at Corndog. Their brand of
blues rock is familiar, and rolls over the ears easily as people
shake off their exhaustion in preparation for another day at
the fest. |
PostLibyan: |
Dang Dang Dang played about 20 minutes, then Chickens and
Pigs started. This band features Eskimo Kiss label head Kim
Ware on drums, local busy-body Tracy Clark on bass and guitar,
and Jeff Evans on guitar and vocals.

Chickens and Pigs (and a plastic bunny!)
A closeup of the bunny.
They play a music that
is part blues, part country, and generally silly. For example,
they played their anthemic, and appropriate, tune Sunday
Beer to an enthusiastic yet small crowd. People sang
along, and it was a good time.
I would say that Chickens and
Pigs are a poppier version of Hubcap City . That is, they make
quirky music with odd, drawled lyrics, yet while Hubcap City
try to be strange with their instrumentation, Chickens and
Pigs play music that is not too out there, until you listen
to the words… |
Tracers: |
Chickens and Pigs seem to have something of a revolving
line-up, but seeing the threesome of stage on Sunday, you wouldn't
really know it. The minimal instrumentation makes them seems
vaguely country-esque, but to my mind they're a less raucous
version of Tijuana
Hercules. Plus, they don't seem to take
themselves too seriously, which always helps my enjoyment of
a band.

Tracy Clark can barely keep a straight face during her Chickens
and Pigs set.
PostLibyan: |
After that, it was time for a late lunch, so we walked down
to Java-o-logy for a tasty flat bread sandwich and some nice,
strong coffee. I enjoyed the lunch there very much. Java-o-logy
routinely wins awards for their sandwiches and coffee, and
i can certainly see why.
We got back to Lenny's in time to
see Seraphix play their abbreviated set. This is a five-piece
metal act, with a singer who is obviously a huge Danzig fan.
He has died black hair, black fingernails, back jeans and t-shirt,
and he screams dramatically while the band plays three-chord
power metal behind him. Really, they were not bad for what
they did, but after three songs they got yanked from the stage
(to make up for lost time, i suppose), and to be honest 3 songs
was enough for me…

Seraphix had a one way ticket to midnight...
Tracers: |
It seemed on Sunday like both the inside and outside stages
at Lenny's were running a bit behind. However, I did notice
that the same guy was managing the stage, and he quickly put
things to right. Case in point: Seraphix. This band only managed
some 15 minutes of set time before they pulled off. And, to
tell the truth, they didn't seem too happy about that turn
of events, and they took their time getting off the stage. |
PostLibyan: |
It was at this point in time that Tracers noticed something
odd: lots of people were walking around with beers in their
hands (not weird for a bar, even on Sunday afternoon), yet
no one had a PBR, the official drink of Atlanta indie rockers.
I asked the bartender, and sure enough, on Saturday night the
crowd drank Lenny's out of PBR!!!! That
must be a first.
The next band inside was Moorish Idols, who
are a young band. They had a lot of technically difficulties,
so even though they were allotted the full 30 minutes to play,
they squandered half of it fussing with an amp. Apparently
the guitar amp was feeding back so that it bothered the lead
singer/guitarist, although it sounded fine from where i stood.
The crowd got rather annoyed at this delay….

Moorish Idols at work (finally!)
Moorish Idols
play happy, lite pop. It's not challenging, but their songs
are good. I think the band has potential, but let me offer
them this advice: learn to play through adversity. Unless
your amp is feeding back so bad it makes you sound like Kevin
Shields, it's not really that big of a deal. Keeping the crowd
of hungover people standing around is a bigger loss than a
slightly fuzzier sound. I'm just saying. |
Tracers: |
Technical difficulties. Clearly, Moorish Idols thought they
had technical difficulties. I couldn't hear it (and I've got
a good ear), but then again I wasn't standing in front of the
monitor. Still, when you combine this with the relative slowness
of their load-in, they only got to play a few minutes. I've
liked what I've heard by them previously, but they seemed a
bit flat during this set. I think perhaps the lead singer was
a bit irritated, which effected his music negatively. Either
way, they were a bit of a letdown, which was hopefully only
due to the circumstances. |
PostLibyan: |
And then a really weird thing happened: Tenth to the Moon.
This is a big, revolving band with a few consistent members,
but other people seem to come and go in the band. Today they
were a 6-piece, with drums set up in the middle of the floor,
a keyboardist, a bassist, a guitarist, a guy in silver face
paint singing and crawling on the floor, and a guy in goggles
doing some kind of weird tape manipulation. They started with
a song wherein 3 members were beating on drums in the middle
of the room, while the others made a whirling mess of sound
around them. It was intense, and vaguely tribal.

Tenth to the Moon's tribal drumming.
The set didn't
get any more normal from there, with the tape loop artist pulling
the tape out while "scratching" it
(like vinyl, really), and then looping it around the pillar
in the middle of the room.

Well, that's one way to ruin a tape...
Their music is no wave / post-punk,
and their performance is energetic and purposely odd. I enjoyed
the heck out of it. I am glad to see that someone is still
doing this sort of thing. The crowd seemed appreciative, which
is good for what is definitely one of the more creative and "out
there" bands around Atlanta right now. I hope they keep
it up. |
Tracers: |
Tenth to the Moon are one of Atlanta 's odder bands. You
can always count on them to do something outlandishly different,
and during this set they did not disappoint. One of the highlights
of their set was their opening number, which included half
of the band at one point or another banging on drums in a tribal
sort of rhythm. From there, they moved on to other no wave-y
tunes, which then concluded by the lead singer crawling on
the floor and throwing cymbals onto the concrete ground. Definitely
different, but one of the most intensely enjoyable sets at
Corndog. And I don't usually get into this sort of thing. As
I said at the time, for Tenth to the Moon, they were positively
Tenth to the Moon's keyboardist.
PostLibyan: |
The next band on stage was … oddly familiar. They are called
Dig Your Hole, and they feature Kat Gass (of Bob, and American
Dream) on bass and vocals. She is backed up by the drummer
from Tenth to the Moon, and Mr. Gass on guitar. The music is
a noisy girl pop. Kat screams a lot, and thumps at her bass.
A pretty good set, on the whole, and it was great to see her
back in action after such a long absence…

Kat Gass, back in action.
Tracers: |
I stayed for all of Dig Your Hole's set. It was definitely
harder rock with loud loud guitars and bass, over which Ms.
Gass sang yelled. Also, underneath the insistent thumping,
you can hear hints of the unusual music once played by Bob,
which is a quality sadly lacking in most music I hear these
days. I enjoyed them, and liked to see folks who I've heard
previously branch out and try something new. |
PostLibyan: |
And then i wanderered outside to see the reunion of Slackey
Family Circus. In fact, SFC is the band that first brought
me to Lenny's, way back in the 90's when it was called Dottie's
and still located in a doublewide across from the cemetery.
You see, i used to work at a coffee shop with Mrs. Slackey.
Actually, i knew her before she met Aubrey Slackey and his
band of then indie rockers. In fact, i drove her to their wedding.
No, really. So i was curious to see what Aubrey has been up
to in the 10 or so years since i last saw his band. The answer,
apparently, is "bluegrass". There were about 10 people
of stage with banjos, acoustic guitars, mandolins, fiddles,
etc. They made a raucous, crazy bluegrass sound. Not my thing
at all. The old Slackey Circus used to make decent indie rock
-- what the heck happened? Weird….

The Slackey Family Circus do bluegrass...
...for tips!
So i headed back inside
to watch a rare performance by The Sudden Rays. Vocalist and
guitarist Chris Hoke lives in Birmingham now, so the band rarely
has the chance to perform live. And yet, tonight in their short
set they managed to do a few new songs! I was impressed with
that feat of long-distance song writing. And they sounded very
good for a band that cannot practice because of the distance
involved. It was great to see them, and i hope to see them
next year at Corndog as well… |
Tracers: |
Ah, the Sudden Rays. I *heart* the Sudden Rays. These days,
we don't hear them much, so seeing them during Corndog was
a must. Even though the band doesn't get together very often,
it was nice to hear them. And they sounded as good as I remember.
I think they played a slightly sped up version of Over
the Wires as well as other long-remembered songs.

A rare Sudden Rays perrformance is always welcome.
Chris Hoke's vocals were, as usual, plaintatively echoed over
his phenomenal guitar work. And, as Postlibyan points out,
despite the distance between band members, they managed to
pull off a couple of new songs, which are as enjoyable as
their earlier material. It was a great set, made bittersweet
by its very rareness.
Not surprisingly, the Sudden Rays played right
before the Jupiter Watts. I've seen them numerous times this
year in various venues, and I've listened to their latest
album a lot. So, you'd think by now, I'd be a bit sick of seeing
them. Right? Well, not exactly. Every time they play out,
they do their songs just a little differently, adding parts
here and re-working things there. Beyond this, their music
and songs are just so damn good that it's a pleasure to hear
them each time. On this afternoon, they played a short-ish
set due to time constraints, but the mix was right on, and
the band members played off each other to create a musical
storm of guitars, bass, keyboards, and drums. Everything sounded
intricately full, and was topped off by their usual catchy
vocal lines. Nicely done, and as always a pleasure.

The Jupiter Watts.
PostLibyan: |
Afterwards, Jupiter Watts took the stage. They played a
tight set of solid indie pop. These guys really have it together
these days, and they sounded great at Lenny's.
By this point
we were really ready to call it a night and leave the festival
for the year, but we stayed to chat with various friends and
ended up seeing an interesting band. They played on the side
stage, and were called The Forever War.

The Forever War involves horns, apparently. But they played
after 3, so it's okay...
They made a sort of
hardcore punk, with a good bit of Slint-like angularity to
the rhythms. And they had a trumpet, which is an odd addition
to that sort of band, but which really worked. I had never
even heard of this band, but found myself really getting
into them. For a total unknown, they impressed the heck out
of me… Later
legendary Atlanta math-rock guitarist Gary T. Flom (ex- Purkinje
Shift, Moreland Audio, and Home of the Wildcats) told me
the band is what is left of old hardcore act Hal al Shedad.
Huh. Well, they are making music even more interesting these
days. Good for them. |
Tracers: |
Now The Forever War were definitely a Slint-damaged band.
There isn't so much of that around these days, so it's really
nice to hear someone do so really math-y rock, and doing it
well. Beyond that, the addition of some clever trumpet lines
lifted them above what I would have expected. Certainly, I
would like to hear these guys again. They were good enough
that I stayed later than I had wanted, if only to hear them
finish their set.
But after The Forever War, I noticed
that the rain had begun to fall again, and the inside venue
was beginning to get positively sweltering. And to top it
off, my inner Metalhead committed Hari-kari in 2002, leaving
me with no desire to stay and see Mastodon, no matter how legendary
their shows tend to be. So, I was well and truly done. |
PostLibyan: |
And that, i am afraid, was it for me. Three days, 34 bands,
a lot of beer, and too much standing around means that i was
totally beat. Still, Corndogarama is fun event. Tiring, but
fun. You'll probably see me there next year… |
Related Links:
Read the entire Corndogorama 2007 review:
1 featuring: 63 Crayons, Parade, Rev Rebel, The Bon Vivants, The
Green Hit, Canada, "Mystery
Band", Bad Magic Number, Magnapop, Luigi, and Ancient Chinese
Day 2 featuring: Mouser,
Club Awesome, Slushco, The Orphins, Elevado, Midwives, Judi Chicago, Spy For
Hire, The Winter Sounds, Continue and Save, The Preakness, Untied States, and
Day 3 featuring: Dang
Dang Dang, Chickens and Pigs, Seraphix, Moorish Idols, Tenth to the Moon, Dig
Your Hole, Slackey Family Circus, The Sudden Rays, Jupiter Watts, and The Forever
Band Links:
Chickens and Pigs MySpace:
Seraphix on GarageBand:
Moorish Idols band site:
Moorish Idols MySpace:
Tenth to the Moon MySpace:
Dig Your Hole MySpace:
Slackey Family Circus MySpace:
The Sudden Rays band site:
The Sudden Rays MySpace:
Jupiter Watt band site:
Jupiter Watts MySpace:
In addition, some of these acts have been
reviewed before. Links within the review point you to the appropriate
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