The 7 Sponge Rating Standard for Television
The details of this Rating System
have been composed by The Priestess. This is a good thing, since she does the
bulk of the Television Reviews at any rate.
One Sponge: This is worse than watching your
dog scratch his hot spots. Just bearing witness makes you queasy.
Two Sponges: This is like watching paint dry.
It's not offensive, but you'd have to really be a fan of one of
the actors to give a proverbial rat's ass.
Three Sponges: This is an average show. Vanilla,
but not even the natural bean kind.
Four Sponges: A decent show that follows
through on its intent in that it affects you as it was intended
to, but it's nothing to write home about.
Five Sponges: A cut above the rest, but just
by a hair.
Six Sponges: Finally, something to write
home about! This is a show that stands out as superior-quality
Seven Sponges: This is brilliant television
that has something to say. It's the kind of show that will make
you want to stay home even though it's trivia night at your favorite
watering hole, the kind that's even good in reruns.