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Event: |
Other Sound 2007 - Day 3 |
Date: |
Saturday.8.September.2007 |
Venue: |
Lenny's |
Location: |
Odl Fourth Ward, Atlanta, GA |
Artists: |
No Disassemble,
Silent Kids, Novelift, Jupiter Watts, The Orphins, One Hand
Loves the Other, Club Awesome, Luigi |
Reviewed by: |
and PostLibyan |
Photographs by: |
PostLibyan |
Tracers: |
By day three of the Other Sound Festival, things were moving
right along. Both previous days had many highlights, and day
3 promised to be no different. In fact, if anything, it had
more potential than the rest, what with the 8 bands and all.
And to top it off, Club Awesome brought their near-ubiquitous
pool in order to liven up the atmosphere. As if that was needed.
Yet, when we first got to Lenny's, right about the 8 pm designated
start time, things seemed a bit…well…clogged up. First off,
the early bands were still setting up and hauling stuff in.
Second off, it was insanely humid and hot within Lenny's, likely
due to the presence of the afore-mentioned pool, which seemed
to affect the efficiency of the air conditioning. I had no
worries, though, as I was bound and determined to have a good
After an increasing long set up, Atlanta-based No Disassemble
took the side-stage, which was in actuality just a space
on the floor of Lenny's with a couple of monitors and its own
vocal PA. No Disassemble were a four piece, led by a small
woman with a big guitar and an even bigger voice. Unfortunately,
the afore-mentioned PA, such as it was, seemed to malfunction,
leading to alternating unintentional feedback and no sound
at all. Luckily, the woman had a fairly good sense of humor
about tit, as she at one point began to sang, heard no sound,
sort of shrugged and apparently began to scat (even though
no-one could hear it). This sort of triumph of spirit over
adversity goes a long way with me, and probably helped me
to enjoy what ultimately turned out to be a very solid set
of jazzy pop. And did I mention she had a great voice?

No Disassemble triumph over the side stage.
PostLibyan: |
No Disassemble do a sort of jazzy/bluesy rock. The petite
vocalist has a rich voice that was rather impressive. Despite
their troubles, i thought they put on a great show.
Tracers: |
Afterwards, The Silent Kids popped onto the main stage.
Now, this was a set to which I looked forward. Over the last
year or so, it seems like The Silent Kids are not playing out
often, but when they do, they showcase brand new songs that
are equally as good as any of their earlier works. I tend to
think that the catchily accomplished nature of the new Silent
Kids material can be attributed in some sense to their enduring
line-up. Certainly, I think most bands tend to become better
when they have a stable membership, as it allows them to look
forward instead of teaching new folks how to play.
In this
case, as it turns out, this show was the last one for keyboardist
Beth Kargel. But, while this is a blow to the stability of
The Silent Kids, on this evening, I could hear the band re-congeal
around the core lineup of vocalist/guitarist Michael Oakley,
guitarist Jeff Holt, and drummer Leanna Fugate.

The Silent Kids rocking out.
As they blew
through a set of entirely unreleased material, I found myself
going, "I really like this song…no, I really
really like this song…." and so on. In particular,
the song about the soccer riot and the guitar interplay on
the cable car song made me stand up and take notice. Still,
any way you look at it, The Silent Kids' new material is very
strong (which it ought to be, considering how long it's been
since their last release), and I'm really looking forward to
their (hopefully) forthcoming new album.

Beth Kargel -- no longer silent. After The Silent Kids finished, I was particularly wound up,
which is why is was a little disappointing that there was such
a long wait before the next band. Theoretically, they should
have been setting up on the side-stage whilst the previous
act performed. In reality, they didn't do this. So, as I stood
there, on the hard concrete floor, sweating, I watched as this
unknown band set up a full piano. Eventually, as a backing
guitarist stood there expectantly, a rather scrawny guy sat
down and began to play….

Novelift: and yes that is a real, portable
piano, with strings and everything.
I'm not sure what I was expecting from
this band, called Novelift, but I'm fairly certain that I wasn't
expecting what they delivered. The pianist/vocalist sang delicately
over the music, while the minimal piano and guitar backing
acted as counter-points to the dominant vocal line-up. Taken
together, they had a really nice sound that was a bit reminiscent
of early Radiohead as covered perhaps by Joe Jackson. And,
I expect I would have enjoyed them even more had they not been
haunted by the same technical difficulties that plagued No
Disassemble, and if they had their other missing band members
(as apparently Novelift is normally a full band, with a rhythm
section). Still, they were pretty good, and I know PostLibyan
enjoyed them even more than I did. |
PostLibyan: |
This band fascinated me. They set up, in two pieces, a full
piano that they had carted with them from Nashville. The guitarist
played an exquisite looking instrument of a brand i had never
heard of (Jaros?) through a stack of pedals i had never seen
before, and then through an older looking amp of a type new
to me (Bogner?). Huh -- the gear was nice but foreign to me,
like they were from Russia instead of Nashville.

The head of a nice Jaros guitar. Apparently
made on Earth2.
And the music
was amazing -- light piano, effected guitar, and delicate
voice. Radiohead is a fair comparison, but i think it downplays
the subtlety of what they were doing to say they were aping
After they were done, i set off to talk to them
and hopefully pick up one of the CDs they mentioned they had
with them. Alas, the band disappeared. They, their beautiful
tunes, and their odd gear slipped back through the dimensional
rift to whatever alternate Earth they are from… Intriguing. |
Tracers: |
Then, it was time for The Jupiter Watts. This 5 piece band
is one of my favorites in Atlanta , and I think their self-titled
release is one of the best albums on this year. Furthermore,
their live shows, which center around the dueling guitars & vocals
of James Trigg and Ramon Wals, are inevitably both tight and
fun. On this evening, The Jupiter Watts had a different line-up
to offer The Other Sound. It seems that Mr. Wals has an arm
problem, and was unable to play an instrument.
Frontman Ramon Wals.
Into this void
stepped a gentleman by the name of Matt, who added a slightly
different, more ambling feel to his guitarwork. Similarly,
Wals took on the position of "front-man", as he sang,
moved around the stage, and added random acts of percussion
to the proceedings. It was basically the same Jupiter Watts
I'm used to seeing, but with a slightly different accent if
you will. And, I have to confess, I enjoyed seeing them mix
it up, even if it wasn't due to the best of circumstances. 
Clay Fowler keys it up for The Jupiter Watts.
After that highlight, The Orphins set up on the side stage.
In the recent past, The Orphins have been a little hit or
miss in their live sets. As an example, at Corndogorama I was
particularly disappointed with their sound and their energy
level. Yet, one week before this set at Other Sound, I saw
them play at The EARL, and they were tight, together, and firing
on all cylinders. I was a bit worried going into this set,
then, as I wasn't sure that The Orphins could put together
two solids sets in a row.
Yet, I probably shouldn't have doubted
them. Although they've been playing many of the same songs
for a good long time, seeing them on this evening was in some
ways like seeing them for the first time. The Orphins were
totally in sync with each other, and with the audience as well.
People bounced around them, singing along to oldies like Camp
Cryotop and Devil
Duck as well as newer tunes that showed an evolution
to their patented sound. In particular, one of their new-ish
songs has a vaguely Latin feel as vocalist Thomas Barnwell
and Daniel Upton sing together in a stop/start pattern. Furthermore,
on this evening at least, The Orphins rhythm section drove
their entire set, plunging ahead through occasional technical
difficulties (hey -- it was the side stage!) to keep the band's
frenetic edge. All in all, The Orphins were excellent, which
was especially rewarding considering the occasional mis-steps
I've heard them make in recent times.

Orphins energeticlaly play the side stage.
Alas, when The Orphins
finished up, it was time to stand around and wait some more.
In this case, for some unknown reason, it seemed to take an
extremely long time for One Hand Loves the Other to set up
on the main stage. I'm not sure why, although I think some
of the delay had to do with their inability to get things into
place while The Orphins played. Either way, after several hours
standing on the hard concrete slab that is the floor of Lenny's
while the entire bar heated up do to the presence of that pool,
the time that it took this band to set up seemed to stretch
to infinity and beyond… |
PostLibyan: |
The delay here was particularly frustrating because the
cause turned out to be lack of batteries. When they eventually
figured that out they asked the crowd for 2 AA batteries. I
thought, "Dammit people -- carry spares!" If AA batteries
are that essential to your sound, as they were in this case
since without them there was no cello, then carry extra! Sheesh.

OHLTO: apparently an electric cello runs on AA batteries. Who
Tracers: |
However, eventually, the band was set up, batteries were
in place, the sound was checked, and the music finally began.
Looking around me, the crowd really seemed to enjoy the lounge-y
vocals backed by electronic music style of One Hand Loves the
Other. For me, having thoroughly enjoyed all of the previous
bands, they seemed a bit out of place. I could visually see
that they had energy, but it didn't come across in their music.
Instead, I heard a vaguely Rick Astley-esque pop, which was
kind of fun back in the 80s, but may be a little out of place
in a hot steamy club.

OHLTO: Lou is never gonna give you up...
In retrospect, though, I have to confess
that I'm no Liza Minnelli, so it could very well be that
I am just not their target audience. Either way, with the circumstances
of the evening, I don't think they really fit in too well,
and I too often found myself thinking about my grocery list
and all the errands I really ought to perform the next day.
PostLibyan: |
I agree that placing the electro pop of One Hand Loves the
Other in the middle of this night of rock acts was an odd choice.
Still, i think they managed to do well. I had never seen them
before, but i did enjoy the copy of the album that their label
was kind enough to send to me. I was pleased to see that they
are able to translate what they do to the stage. Sure, most
of the sound came from the laptops at the back of the stage,
but the cellist, keyboardist, and vocalist had enough stage
presence to be entertaining. Overall, i found their set more
enjoyable than i would have thought. Good for them. However
-- but more batteries!

OHLTO featured the second flute of the festival!
Tracers: |
I wasn't impressed with One Hand Loves the Other, but there
was hope ahead for me -- it was time for Club Awesome! Seriously,
though, Club Awesome are one of those bands that never disappoint.
This four piece plays lively, dance-y pop rock with funny lyrics
and sing-along-with-the band style. Furthermore, Shooting
BBs Out Into the Night is easily one of the best
single songs that has percolated through my consciousness in
the last year or so. When you add that to their ubiquitous
pool, Club Awesome just screams summer in Atlanta.
though, they were stuck on the side stage, and with the PA
that gave all the bands trouble. While they were still loads
of fun, and got everyone dancing and bouncing about, they
just seemed a little off. I think it was because the mix pretty
much buried the keys and the guitars, and the vocals were
inaudible at times, which led the band to seem a little languid
in their approach But, even when Club Awesome are having issues,
they're still better than 90% of what I hear on a regular basis.
And, with their amazingly good song catalogue, they were able
to overcome the sonic limitations and the heat to draw folks
in to their sunny musical outlook.

Club Awesome were directly responsible for the humidity.
Then, it was time for the
last band of the evening: Luigi. Yes, it was an hour later
than they had original been scheduled to go one. Yes, it now
a virtual concrete steam bath inside Lennys. And, indeed, unlike
most of my brethren, I was entirely way to sober to be dealing
with the heat and the pain in my aching feet. But no matter
the circumstances, I always really really like Luigi. And this
set had something entirely new to offer: the commentary of
guitarist Johnny McConnell. I'm not sure if it was the late
hour, the alcohol that flowed like water, or what, but Mr.
McConnell was definitely chatty. In all the times I've seen
them, I'm fairly certain I've never heard him utter a word,
but once Luigi took the stage, he kept coming up to his mic
and saying, "I want people in the
pool! I want naked people in the pool!" In
fact, when someone actually jumped in the pool and it was pointed
out to the band, both McConnell and Drummer Brian Fletcher
stood up and cheered.

Luigi getting ready to play while keeping an eye on the pool.
With this as a background, it's not surprising
that Luigi rocked this evening. They played some new songs
and some old songs, and more or less tore the stage apart.
It made me very happy, and brought me away from the multiple
miseries of the environment. Still, after maybe half of their
set, my tiredness (and the realization that I had yet another
evening ahead) overcame and I eagerly took PostLibyan's suggestion
that perhaps it was time to go.
Still, at the end of the
evening, I reflected and realized I'd had an excellent time.
And since The Other Sounds is really all about showing off
Indie Atlanta labels and their bands, I have to think that
the 8 bands who played at Lennys demonstrated a wide range
of musical styles and talents. |
Related Links:
Read the entire Other Sound 2007 review:
1 featuring: Envie, Mary O. Harrison, Pistolero, Moresight
Day 2 featuring: Fernandina, Citified, The Yum Yum
Tree, The Press, Lay Down Mains, All Night Drug Prowling Wolves
Day 3 featuring: No
Disassemble, Silent Kids, Novelift, Jupiter Watts, The Orphins, One Hand Loves
the Other, Club Awesome, Luigi
Day 4 featuring: Chickens
and Pigs, Batata Doce, Tenth to the Moon, and Untied States
Band Links:
No Disassemble MySpace:
Kids Website:
Silent Kids MySpace:
Novelift Wesbite:
Novelift MySpace:
Jupiter Watts Website:
Jupiter Watts MySpace:
The Orphins Website:
The Orphins MySpace:
One Hand Loves the Other MySpace: Club
Awesome MySpace:
Luigi Website:
Luigi MySpace:
In addition, some of these acts have been
reviewed before. Links within the review point you to the appropriate
places. |
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