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Event: |
Other Sound 2007 - Day 4 |
Date: |
Sunday.9.September.2007 |
Venue: |
The 11:11 Teahouse |
Location: |
Inman Park, Atlanta, GA |
Artists: |
and Pigs, Batata Doce, Tenth to the Moon, Untied States
Reviewed by: |
and PostLibyan |
Photographs by: |
PostLibyan |
PostLibyan: |
This was a weird night. It was more of a house party than
a show.
In fact, it even took place at someone's house, apparently.
The 11:11 Teahouse is a house that has the front few rooms
vaguely converted into an establishment. By vaguely i mean
that there are several couches and chairs strewn about, a
small stage in one corner of the room, many shelves full of
huge jars of types of tea, and an industrial sink for washing
masses of dishes. There are many things this supposed establishment
did not appear to have, such as any real staff (i guess the
one girl who lives there sort of serves as such), a cash
register (so how, exactly, does this place make money?), and,
oddly enough, actual brewed tea. No, really -- i was there
for 3 hours and asked twice before actual tea was made. At
a Tea House no less! I honestly have no idea how this place
expects to function as a business. But that's somebody else's
problem, really. |
Tracers: |
This was my first excursion to the 11:11 Teahouse, which
was an awkward establishment for music. First off, it was a
more than a little stuffy, and little crowded with furniture
and art. I felt like I was in someone's house and shouldn't
touch anything, which makes it hard to relax and enjoy a show.
Of course, I believe some of this discomfort came when several
people actually bumped into walls, touching the art, and
the artist immediately appeared and removed the paintings from
the premises. Certainly, that made me feel like keeping my
elbows in.
PostLibyan: |
There was no real organization tonight. At 7 PM Chickens
and Pigs, the first act of the evening, were not even all in
attendance yet. But that's okay, because no one had brought
microphones either, so we were forced to sit there and wait.
Fortunately lead Chicken and Pig Jeff Evans is a naturally
goofy, friendly person. He sauntered around the stage, offering
beer to friends, making jokes, telling silly stories. He made
it a really relaxed time.
Tracers: |
Apparently, based on Jeff Evans's commentary, strange acts
of disorganization and Chickens and Pigs go hand in hand. And
thinking back over the years I've seen him perform, I believe
he's absolutely correct. Certainly, back when they played Sunday
at Corndog, things got off to a late start. So, I probably
shouldn't have been too surprised that it took a while to assemble
the necessary ingredients for a PA at The Teahouse. And then,
once they had the PA together, Evan's microphone kept cutting
out whenever he tried to say the word "Douchebag".
This was rather funny, even if it delayed the set a bit more.
PostLibyan: |
Mics and C&P bassist Tracy Clark arrived and set up,
and they started playing at 7:45. They were playing without
a drummer tonight, and that made them seem sloppier than usual.
Basically this is a comic blues act, with old fashioned chording,
a general looseness to the song structures, and silly lyrics.
They played the appropriate Sunday Beer,
and got The Teahouse singing along. And they did a sad song
told from the point of Evans dog, who was apparently lost for
a few weeks.

Chicken and Pigs, in a teahouse!
Tracers: |
One of my favorites Chickens and Pigs songs is called Burmese Mouth, and is apparently about a cat. Or at least that's what I gathered from the story Evans told before he began to sing it. When you add that one to the sad dog song (which was truly sad), it seems that a lot of his songs are about animals, which I guess is appropriate for a band called Chickens and Pigs. Nevertheless, I enjoy Evans's humor and song-writing. If anything he reminds me of a more laid back, less just plain weird Bill Taft in the way that he combines his songs and stories into one entertaining whole.
PostLibyan: |
They played for about half an hour, and were generally enjoyable.
Not challenging and certainly not an earth-shaking band by
any stretch of the imagination, but fun.
However, it was the
intermission that proved to be troublesome to me. So there
we were, sitting in this house, not drinking tea, and watching
a party happen. I don't fit in at parties, and this event only
served to remind me of that. I felt like the impartial observer,
watching mayhem and stupidity occur around me. For example,
there was this artist there who calls himself Gutterpop, and
he made all of these paintings that depict John Oates (of Hall
and Oates fame) and say "John
Oates Will Fucking Kill You". Okay. Well, in a sense i
guess either of two things are occurring here: either he is
a huge John Oates fan, or this is some elaborate joke that
i don't quite get. |
Tracers: |
Oh yeah, Gutterpop. That was the guy who kept removing the
art! Did I mention it was uncomfortable when he kept coming
around to take the art away whenever anyone knocked something?
I realize that the paintings were for sale, and he probably
just didn't want them to get damaged. But, from what I could
see (from a distance!), they were on wood, which isn't the
most fragile of mediums. Trust me. My house is filled with
paintings like that. And with my climbing cat, there are occasional
scratches and falls, which haven't damaged anything. Besides,
I at least want people to feel at home, and not like they're
in a museum. |
PostLibyan: |
It gets weirder. At one point the drummer from Chickens
and Pigs comes up to Gutterpop. (The drummer did not perform,
but he was there.) And he starts going on and on about John
Oates and how he was the underrated genius of the two. After
all, Darryl Hall is just a soul singer from Philly. He delivered
a detailed diatribe, even pointing out which album pics Gutterpop
chose to paint from, and which of those Mr. Oates apparently
And so, after listening to this for a while, Gutterpop
says, "I
guess I don't know much about the man...." What? You make
paintings mocking someone, and you are not even really familiar
with that person's body of work? If i were John Oates, i would
be more offended at the ignorance than the co-opting of my
iconic status! But that's just me. Maybe John Oates is above
all of this. Or maybe he will just try to f*cking kill Gutterpop.
Who can tell? Anyway, The John Oates Fan was oblivious to Gutterpop's
comment, and keeps going on and on.
This situation is weird
to me for two reasons:
- Why make art involving some faded celebrity like this
unless you either hate his work and want to mock him terribly,
or are a huge fan and are doing this as a tribute?
- There is a guy who is a huge John Oates fan, enough
to discuss the intricacies of his career.
It was this event in particular that
reminded me that i do not understand human beings. Parties
are full of these types of exchanges. I often listen to these
events and think, "No
one is really able to communicate at all, are they?" Obviously
something important was NOT being said there, and i honestly
have no clue what it might be. This is why i tend to drink
too much at parties. However, i was at a Tea House that did
not serve beer and, at this point, didn't even have tea!
Gutterpop wandered outside, followed by John Oates' Number
One Fan. I think Gutterpop was trying to free himself from
the conversation by going to have a cigarette, but fanboy
followed him outside, still gushing on his favorite topic. |
Tracers: |
While PostLibyan was having the existential party crisis
above, I had plopped in a chair in the corner, near the open
door. It was stuffy inside, and as we have mentioned there
was no tea. So I spent the delay with the following mental
conversation: "Should I go to the grocery store tomorrow?
Or Target? I wonder if Target would have a step stool? Oh yeah,
and I'm certain I'm out of light bulbs. And Toilet Paper! No,
I have toilet paper, so I should be fine there. Hmmm…..why
is PostLibyan looking that way? I bet he wants something to
drink. I know I could use a soda. Is there time to go to the
store? Nah…beside I'd have to give up this perfectly comfortable
chair, and God only knows if I could get it back…." And
so on.
PostLibyan: |
And then an odd thing happened on stage: Justin Hughes (ex
Rock-a-Teens) set up his guitar on one end of the stage and
Justin Sias from Elevado set up his bass on the other end.
Between them was another guitarist and a drummer, and, eventually,
a petite frizzy-haired Brazillian girl. They started to play
and did music that was loungey, then country, then tangoish,
apparently mocking a Creative Loafing review that described
them as Latin Appalachian Lounge music. (Huh? What the heck
are the peeps at CL smoking these days?)
They started to play around 8:30,
and people started to dance. I have to admit that the rather
petite vocalist had a HUGE voice for such a small frame.
She could really belt it out. And she sounded pretty good too.
The band was decent, but to be honest what they were playing
can easily be classified as Jam Rock. Batata Doce would go
over well at a Ratdog Show. Or opening for Trey Anastasio.
Or at Bonaroo. Etc

"Sweet Potato" is what Batata Doce means in Brazillian.
I hate that shit. I hate the meandering pointlessness of the
tunes. I hate the irritating hippy swaying dance that the fans
do. I hate the rhythms that statically move in place, just
short of doing anything interesting, but moving along all the
same. In all honesty this music makes me want to punch someone.
To grab a (poorly utilized) guitar off of one of the unsuspecting
jamming musicians and start beating people with it while screaming, "Ian
Curtis did not die for you to do this CRAP! Use your imaginations
you robots!"
That said, their music wasn't really that bad,
and i can see how some people (i.e., stinking hippies)
might enjoy it. Not me though. And kindly keep your patchouli
to yourself, 'kay? I sat there for three songs that seemed like
an eternity, silently wondering "Where
the hell is Colin Newman when i need him?",
and then i couldn't take it anymore. All of the dancing hippies
made it stuffy inside, so i went to sit on the patio. Being
muffled by the windows didn't help their songs to have any more
structure, but it did make them quieter, and at least it wasn't
They seemed to play a long time. I think it was really
only 45 minutes, but it seemed like an eternity. It shows like
this that prove that Einstein was right: time truly is relative. |
Tracers: |
Batata Doce were one of those bands that I completely misread.
Once they started to play, I was absolutely and completely
certain that PostLibyan would love them. I mean their meandering
wasn't really my thing, but the odd combination of country-esque
guitar, Latin rhythms, and the amazingly funky basswork of
Sias seemed just like something PostLibyan might enjoy. In
my case, the sound mix (such as it was) was driving me insane.
The guitar and bass kept feedback horrifically and occasionally
one of the vocal parts would fall out of line. Fundamentally,
it seemed like the band was simply playing too loud for the
confined space and limited amplification provided by the home-grown
PA. I wanted to say, "O.K., everyone. Let's all turn down
by half, and then it might not keep feeding back." Instead,
I gave up my coveted chair and went outside where not surprisingly,
I could hear everything rather clearly without resorting to
It was about this time that PostLibyan and I couldn't cope
anymore and we decided to find some damn tea or at least, possibly,
brew our own. Luckily, he located someone who may or may not
have been in charge. With the promise of fresh tea soon, I located
that comfy chair and waited… |
PostLibyan: |
Fortunately immediately after Batate Doce cleareed out,
Tenth to the Moon were to play. I moved back inside to
watch them set up. They have a lot of electronic gear and i
am always curious to see how it gets wired. At one point Mitch
Foy, the as-yet-unpainted vocalist, turned to Doug Hughes,
the keyboardist and wiring expert of the band and asked, "Do
you think we should sound check?" Hughes shrugged. "Couldn't
hurt." So
they started testing noise levels. All loud, but i wouldn't
want it any other way.
Tracers: |
Tenth to the Moon, being the professionals they are, brought
part of their own vocal PA. This helped their set up tremendously,
as they were able to control their volume (Loud) and their
feedback (non-existent) in way that eluded every other band
on this evening. Still, I had to laugh at the "Couldn't
hurt" crack, as it pretty much summed up my feelings about
the sound quality inside.
PostLibyan: |
And then, after a few more minutes during which Foy painted
his face with some kind of white paint, they started to play.
Stripped down to bass, drums, vocals, and electronics, Tenth
to the Moon are gothier. Not the cartoon goth of the modern
world, but the angry, loud, dark goth of the early 80s: Bauhaus
and Front 242 collaborating.

Hey Poor -- you don't have to be UNDEAD UNDEAD UNDEAD.
It was glorious: loud, fast, chaotic,
screaming, clanging, clattering, bass riff heavy, keyboard
melody driven, beautiful noise. Foy hurled pieces of metal
around, jumped about screaming, and caused a ruckus. In the
background the rhythm section tried desperately to destroy
their instruments, while Hughes added electronic noodling
on top of it all. |
Tracers: |
Tenth to the Moon made the entire evening worth, in my not
so humble opinion. On the surface, their music seemed chaotic
and dark, but underneath it was quite beautiful, like being
stuck inside a musical maelstrom with the sounds swirling about
you, buffeting you so that you have to struggle to withstand
the waves. and, by this time, we had in fact acquired tea,
which certainly helped my mood out. Definitely this was a first…standing
inside a house, listening to this deeply intense music, with
a little fragile china cup of hot herbal tea in my hand. Somehow,
it seemed appropriate.
PostLibyan: |
And yet ... somehow Tenth to the Moon came across as very
melodic. Sure the bassist was trying very hard to sound like
David J circa Burning From the Inside
while the drummer channeled Animal (drummer in The Electric
Mayhem), but there was an inescapable catchiness. I couldn't
help but tap my feet and nod my head along with what they were
doing. Brilliant!
Tenth to the Moon decided to end the set with a
performance art piece guaranteed to get them banned from
the Tea House forever. Foy lay on the ground twitching while
the rest of the band thumped away, and someone else rolled
over Foy with a paint roller soaked in red paint.

It's okay -- they brought their own carpeting for this performance.
Then he went
and jumped around a bit, ran outside through the crowd gathered
on the patio, and hurled himself at the bay windows of
the Tea House, leaving a red body splotch on the outside of
the building. Guaranteed to confuse everyone else, but silly

Water-soluable body smear on the outside of the
Tracers: |
Ah yes, I believe that "someone else" was in fact
the near ubiquitous Gutterpop. When the "painting the
lead singer" went down, I stood there with my mouth open,
and then began to grin manically at just the sheer audacity
and weirdness of the action. And I think I actually laughed
when Foy ran outside and then back in, followed by someone
else who explained to anyone in the way, "It's o.k.! The
paint's water-soluble!" What other band in Atlanta would
do that? And be considerate enough to make sure the paint would
come off? Man, I love Tenth to the Moon. |
PostLibyan: |
I don't think that they played for more than 40 minutes,
but damn that was a brilliant set. Sure, the red paint thing
was funny, but musically the band was tight. Very enjoyable.
Tenth to the Moon tore down their electronics quickly, and
Untied States hurriedly set up. You see, it was already after
10, which is when they were supposed to go on, and the parents
of drummer Erin Sabatini (not sure if i heard that last name
right!) had driven up from Mobile just to see her play at
a reasonable hour. I got the impression they hoped to drive
back to coastal Alabama after the show, and things running
late was not helping.
The rest of Untied States seemed annoyed
as well. Maybe they didn't think ahead and get Monday off
of work, like EvilSponge did. (Brendan's First Rule of Covering
Festivals: never expect things to run on time.)
At 10:45,
one of the guitarists uttered a frustrated "Let's
do it!", and suddenly the band tore into it. Unfortunately
the guitarist in question was not, at that time, plugged in,
so the first few songs seemed weird. The music of Untied States
is really based on the dynamic interplay of the two guitars,
so without one of them, it didn't really work at all. Eventually
he figured that out, and they sounded better. |
Tracers: |
When Untied States finally shrugged and began, my first
impression was they were loud tonight. Or rather, they were
freaking LOUD. I had in earplugs and they were still loud.
When a band is that loud, it becomes hard to actual enjoy the
music, as the sound becomes a morass of volume in which you
can't pick out any intricacies or nuance. In fact, they were
so durn loud, I didn't even notice that one of the guitars
wasn't plugged in until PostLibyan told me. Realizing I was
fighting a losing battle, I quickly stepped outside, where
the band was still rather audible, but at least it was cooler
and my eardrums weren't in imminent danger of explosion. |
PostLibyan: |
I have seen Untied States many times over the past few years.
I enjoy their math-rock a lot more than Tracers does. However,
recently (as in, since March) the band has been rebuilt --
stripped down to the two guitarists, and then with all new
members added in. They seem to be trying to write songs that
have more emphasis on the Rock than on the Math, and some of
them sounded okay. However, it was their older tunes that really
sounded great tonight. The new band is tight, and i have to
admit that Ms. Sabatini is a pretty good drummer, providing
a metronomic beat that the guitars can duel over top of.

Untied States in the late darkness at the teahouse.
think that their frustration at the delays made them a little
edgier tonight, and i found this performance a lot more engaging
than the one they did at Corndogorama a month back. |
Tracers: |
From my vantage point outside, I could actually appreciate
what Untied States were trying to do. It was still a little
muddy, and I couldn't hear the vocals at all. Yet I could hear
the strong drumming and effected guitars, which seemed like
they might be trying out something new and not as noodley.
Still, I had a little bit of fear for the structural integrity
of the teahouse at this point. From where I stood, I could
see all the windows and supports of the building vibrate and
groan under the pressure from those sound waves. And I wasn't
entirely sure if building could stand too much more. But, by
this time I was getting way tired, and it was way later than
I had anticipated. So I was happy to go home when we did. |
PostLibyan: |
Untied States were a good end to the festival. On the whole
i had a good time at The Other Sound. But after they were done,
i was more than ready to go home and to bed. |
Related Links:
Read the entire Other Sound 2007 review:
1 featuring: Envie, Mary O. Harrison, Pistolero, Moresight
Day 2 featuring: Fernandina, Citified, The Yum Yum
Tree, The Press, Lay Down Mains, All Night Drug Prowling Wolves
Day 3 featuring: No
Disassemble, Silent Kids, Novelift, Jupiter Watts, The Orphins, One Hand Loves
the Other, Club Awesome, Luigi
Day 4 featuring: Chickens
and Pigs, Batata Doce, Tenth to the Moon, and Untied States
Band Links:
Chickens and Pigs MySpace:
Batata Doce MySpace:
to the Moon MySpace:
Untied States Website:
Untied States MySpace:
11:11 Teahouse MySpace:
In addition, some of these acts have been
reviewed before. Links within the review point you to the appropriate
places. |
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