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Event: |
South By Southwest 2006 - Day 2 |
Date: |
Thursday.16.March.2006 |
Location: |
Austin, TX |
Artists: |
Black Heart Procession, Rahim, Earlimart, Mazarin,
Xiu Xiu, Palaxy Tracks, Black Lipstick |
Reviewed by: |
and PostLibyan |
Photographs by: |
PostLibyan |
PostLibyan: |
The second day of SXSW06 was somewhat skimpy on the day
shows. That is, the only thing i really wanted to see during
the day was Black
Heart Procession play at Emo's. Emo's is sort of a legendary
indie rock club, and i was expecting something along the
lines of The Echo Lounge in Atlanta, or maybe the 9:30 Club
in Washington, D.C. Instead, Emo's is a shack with a patchy
tin roof, and is mostly open to the elements. I suppose that
works in Austin, TX, but it still seemed, well, like a dump.
Anyway, despite all of that, Black
Heart Procession put on
an enjoyable set. They were a 5-piece today, adding a keyboardist/violinist
to their regular, guitar, bass, drums, and keyboards lineup.
The music was moody, dark, and very fun. I am mostly familiar
with their second album (the aptly titled 2),
and they did not play any tunes i recognized. Nonetheless,
they were enjoyable. |
Tracers: |
I skipped out on the day show, as I had made the mistake
of buying a new book the day before called The
Great Mortality by John Kelly. It's
a narrative history of the spread of the black plague across
Europe in the late 1340s and is utterly fascinating, if you
get into that sort of thing (Yes, I'm a history geek: get over
it). Unfortunately, the Black Death trumped Black
Heart Procession,
and I curled up in the hotel room and read to my heart's content. |
PostLibyan: |
We started off the regular showcases at The Soho Lounge, a New York City themed bar, appropriately seeing a band from Brooklyn called Rahim. This was a three piece consisting of bass/synths/vocals, guitar/vocals, and a drummer. They played quirky dance rock with really complex rhythms. Overall, i liked the songs with the synth melodies (about half of the tunes) better than the ones without them. Still, Rahim were enjoyable overall, and i would compare them to Atlanta's own Rizzudo in that they seem to combine synth-pop and math rock. Fun. |
Tracers: |
Thursday night's random 8 PM band was Rahim. We chose them
due to band description (Dischord-influenced post punk) and
location (next door to the Earlimart show). It was a good decision,
as I liked the interplay of the two vocalists and the different
aspects of each voice.
PostLibyan: |
We then headed next door to catch Earlimart. We had seen this act before, and although they were enjoyable, their set was kind of a downer. The band were friends with Elliot Smith, and their show in Atlanta was shortly after that musician's suicide, so understandably that was something of a dark show. Well, they have made their peace with Elliot's passing, and Earlimart proved to be one of the better pop rock bands around. I think it helped that on this night the band was obviously having a wonderful time, but they were also loud (the sound system was a bit too loud for the club), and really catchy. Earlimart make toe-tappingly good rhythms with hummable melodies, all sung with a voice reminiscent of the hushed singing style popularized by Death
Cab for Cutie and Belle
and Sebastian. This was a good set.

Earlimart: vocalist.
Earlimart: bassist.
We stuck around to catch Mazarin play next. I had heard
one tune by them before, the vaguely psychedelic yet very catchy New American Apathy,
which they played a very good version of as the second song
of their set. They played wonderfully, adding a tinge of psychedelia
to a strong guitar rock. I was saddened to see that very few
of the large Earlimart crowd stayed to watch Mazarin. Both
bands were equally good, but i guess that Earlimart has a bigger
buzz factor. I really enjoyed this set as well.

Mazarin: not exactly apathetic.
Tracers: |
Of the two band we saw at Buffalo 's Billiard, I enjoyed
Mazarin more. Earlimart is a great band, and their new material
is filled with all sorts of goodness. Yet, performance-wise,
Mazarin showed something more. Of course, both the lead and
rhythm guitarists were playing lovely-sounding instruments.
And they had an excellent drummer as well. With that skill,
their music reminded me of a mellower Neutral Milk Hotel, or
perhaps a less weird Akron/Family. Either way, I liked Mazarin
greatly, and like PostLibyan, wished more people had stayed
to enjoy them. |
PostLibyan: |
We left their just before the end to cram into Emo's Annex
(which is a tent in a parking lot) to see Xiu Xiu. I have wanted
to see this band for years, but for some reason every time
they play Atlanta i am too busy to go see them. (They are in
sync with my exam schedule, damn them.) Anyway, i was very
excited for this set, but nervous about the crowd seeing as
the line for Emo's Annex was almost around the block. Once
we got in (thank goodness for having an actual badge) the club
was not full at all. Wierd.
Xiu Xiu set up as a two-piece. There
was a guy on vocals, guitar, and some synths. I think he is
the main force behind the band. He was joined by a short-haired
girl who played drum machine, assorted percussion, and
some synths. I didn't know what to expect of their set, seeing
as the two Xiu Xiu records that i have vary widely in the types
of songs that they do. What they actually did was play a sort
of rave emo music. That is, the beats were loud and throbbing,
the synths rich and lush, and the voice achingly delicate.
Tracers said that they reminded her of "The
Octopus Project with vocals",
and i think that's a good comparison, although The
Octopus Project are much more of a dance band, while Xiu Xiu are not
quite dancey.

Xiu Xiu: dance music for emo kids.
Tracers: |
To my ears, Xiu Xiu are in fact a dance band, but that probably
says more about me that is does about the music. Of course,
I'm not at all familiar with their recorded output, nor had
I ever seen live, so I wasn't really sure what Xiu Xiu would
sound like. I really enjoyed the odd percussion parts, which
blended well into the overall sound. That unexpected blend
is what led me to think of The
Octopus Project. They were one
of the few bands who I was sad to see leave the stage. |
PostLibyan: |
Apparently no one else knew what to think of Xiu Xiu either,
as they cleared the tent. Still, i really enjoyed it, and am
glad that i got to see them. Hopefully the next time they play
Atlanta i won't have a test the next day!
Leaving Emo's we headed
over to the heavy metal club Redrum to try and catch Portland,
Oregon's Stars of Track and Field. I have heard really good
things about the keyboardy pop these guys make, and was looking
forward to see them. However, they were having serious technical
difficulties -- at 12:20 the band was still unable to get their
keyboard and laptop to work. The sound guy was obviously annoyed,
and the band was getting more and more frantic as time wore
on. I felt kind of bad for them, but really -- if you are going
to have that complicated of a set up, bring a tech support
guy with you! |
Tracers: |
As I have mentioned previously, during the evening hours,
SXSW runs on a pretty tight timeline. Bands start on the hour,
play a roughly 35-40 minute set and then change over to the
next band while the crowd quickly migrates to the next venue
if desired. There's not much leeway, and that's why equipment
issues which normally might not be more than an annoyance become
absolutely maddening during SXSW. When you're standing around,
looking at the band scramble and look frustrated, all I can
wonder is, "Why don't you have a 'Plan B'?" |
PostLibyan: |
Frustrated, we left and headed to the Peek-a-boo Records
showcase at Latitude. We got there in time to see the last
half of the performance by Palaxy
Tracks. This was the third
time i had seen this Chicago act, the first two having been
at SXSW05. I maintain my opinion of them: they are a catchy
dreampop act who are much better live than on record. I love
their swirling guitarwork, but i am not so fond of the vocalist.
His voice is kind of whiny, and on record it is way out front,
while live it is buried in the mess of guitars. Still, i enjoyed
what i saw of their performance tonight.

Tracks rock Latitude.
Tracers: |
I don't think I've ever heard a full length set by Palaxy
Tracks. This is a shame, as I agree with Postlibyan, this band
improves on stage. Nothing meanders along, instead all of the
music has an urgency that is sometimes missing from their recordings.
Likewise, the fullness of the instruments meshes well with
Brandon Dearham's distinctive vocals. However, I do wish they
would actually play Atlanta some time. |
PostLibyan: |
Up next still at Latitude was the one band that Tracers most
wanted to see at SXSW06: Black
Lipstick. This is an Austin /
New York band that was born from the ashes of The
who we saw play at The Echo Lounge many years ago. Black
Lipstick are a four-piece with a female drummer who is very competent.
The real treat of the band is lead guitarist and Peek-a-boo
Records label head Travis Higdon, who is a phenomenal guitarist. Their
music is a deep, rich, catchy garage rock. The music soars with
Velvet Underground style guitar syncopation, and is dark and

Black Lipstick: Travis Higdon in action.
Tracers: |
When we planned out this trip, I told PostLibyan that I
only had to see two bands: Black
Lipstick and Superchunk. I've
always enjoyed Black
Lipstick's recordings, and I had a suspicion
that their music would translate extremely well to a live environment.
I'm glad that hunch turned out to be correct. Primary vocalist
Phillip Niemeyer bounced around the stage, showing sheer enjoyment
in playing. Drummer Elizabeth Nottingham showed a lively style,
which meshed well with the bass of Steve Garcia as well as
the focal guitarwork of Travis Higdon. |
PostLibyan: |
And then their bassist sang a few songs. The man is not as dynamic a performer as the normal vocalist, but the songs that he sang bear an indelible Superchunk influence. The first song he sang ended with a long guitar rock out that really reminded me of Like A Fool. Great stuff.

Black Lipstick: sounding like Superchunk.
At one point later in the set, Tracers and i were standing
comparing notes on the band, and suddenly we noticed that the
song they were playing was an actual Velvet Underground cover, Sister Ray.
If anyone in all of Austin could do that song, it's Black
Awesome. |
Tracers: |
Black Lipstick ended their set with time to spare. They conferred and then began playing again. And after a good minute or so, I perked up, looked over my shoulder at the band, and then asked PostLibyan, "Isn't that Sister Ray?" We both listened for a bit, and were duly impressed. What a great end to a great set! |
PostLibyan: |
They were great, and a fine end to our second day at SXSW06. |
Related Links:
Read the entire South by Southwest 2006 review:
Day 1: Dayshow
Day 1: Night showcases
Day 3: Dayshow
Day 3: Night showcases
Day 4: Dayshow
Day 4: Night showcases
Added bonus material:
Photo gallery: Signs around Austin
Photo gallery: hollow-bodied guitars at SXSW06
Photo gallery: Pedal fetishism
In addition, some of these acts have been reviewed before.
Links within the review point you to the appropriate places.
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