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Event: |
South By Southwest 2006 - Day 4 dayshow |
Date: |
Saturday.18.March.2006 |
Location: |
Austin, TX |
Artists: |
Protokoll, My Were They, Pacific, SIANspheric |
Reviewed by: |
and PostLibyan |
Photographs by: |
PostLibyan |
PostLibyan: |
Day 4 began with Tracers and i heading out to have Japanese
fast food at Zen.
What i want to know is: why aren't there franchises of this
chain in Marietta? Great noodles and awesome sushi.
Thus fortified, we headed out to The Drink on Sixth
to catch the "launch
I have no idea what they were launching (seeing as the
website is still pretty much empty as
of this writing), but they called the event "The Shoegaze
Hacienda", and with a name
like that they couldn't have kept me away with a stick. Anyway,
at this event were
giving away free vodka and whiskey drinks. We stuck to the
old reliable Shiner Bock, and was orders of magnitudes more
sober than many of the people there. Which came in real handy
when mayhem struck...
But more
about the mayhem in a moment. |
Tracers: |
Postlibyan indulged me the day before with our trek to the
day party of my favorite label, Peek-a-boo
Records. In order
to return the favor, I traipsed off unknowingly into the future
chaos of The Shoegaze Hacienda. I should have realized it was
going to be an odd afternoon when not only was the show running
horrifically behind schedule, the bands had been rearranged
so that it was something of a guess as to who was playing at
any one time. Since I don't listen to this type of music day
in and day out, each band was an unknown quantity. As an overall
impression, I'll start by saying that in general the music
was fun and each band had something to recommend it.
PostLibyan: |
We walked in a little after 4 PM , and a band was winding
down their set. I didn't catch their name, and barely heard
their sound, so we will ignore them. Shortly thereafter, another
band began to set up. The guy standing in front of the mic
had a huge afro, but the crowd was standing very far away from
the stage, as crowds are wont to do at large, mostly empty
venues. This guy earned my respect and amusement when he looked
up from his tuning and said into the microphone, "Do not
be afraid of the hair! It will not eat you!" People chuckled,
but they did move forward.

Protokoll: don't fear the hair!
Anyway, afro-boy was the leader
of a standard 4-piece rock act called Protokoll, from Boston,
Mass. They played a half hour of energetic, chimey brit-pop,
with fast drumming and echoing basswork. The vocals were
deep, and reminded me of Peter Murphy in Bauhaus trying
to sing like David Bowie. I guess that makes the afro-ed vocalist
of Protokoll a second generation Bowie imitator.... Anyway,
i enjoyed their performance. They weren't a challenging rock
band, but they were very fun to see and hear on a Saturday
afternoon. |
Tracers: |
Musically, Protokoll didn't particularly stand out to me.
They were good enough, but were mainly distinguished by the
lead singer's rather large hair, his deep Brit-pop-esque vocals,
and some really intense basswork.
PostLibyan: |
After Protokoll wrapped things up, another standard 4-piece
rock band took the stage. Both of the guitarists in this band
had big, hollow-bodied
guitars. They proceeded to play a half
hour of Interpolish rock. That is, they are a young band who
obviously listen to Interpol and
are in the current wave of bands remotely descended from Gang
of 4. Actually, the drummer
was the most talented member of the band. He played with a
bizarre clattering, scattered style that could get really heavy
when necessary. Brilliant drumming!

My Were They rock The Shoegaze Hacienda!
What really ruined their set was the voice.
The vocalist has a slightly whiney voice that is too high-pitched
for the genre. It just sounded ... wrong. Anyway, their instrumentation
was really great, it is just that the voice never fit in,
in my mind. After they were done we learned that the band was
called My Were They, and that they are from Chicago. Very great
instrumentalists -- i would just recommend that they do something
about the vocals!

My Were They in 2 guitar attack.
Tracers: |
I know in my heart there must be some reason why many, if
not most, of the bands we saw this year were playing hollow
body guitars. Just a short time ago, a hollow
body was a relatively
uncommon thing, usually seen in bands that had a hint of rockabilly
somewhere within their sound. Now it seems like every band
plays them, even if their guitar sound is clean and straight
up. I don't get it. Who is responsible for making these bands
think this instrument is cool?
PostLibyan: |
At this point in time SIANspheric, one of the bands i really
really wanted to see at SXSW06, were supposed to be on. However,
yet another band started to set up. ARGH! Day shows are never
as organized as the actual events... Oh well. We could see
from the name sprayed onto the cases they had their gear in
that the band was called Pacific. They were, unsurprisingly,
yet another standard 4-piece rock band. They proceeded to play
some generic britpop, for at least 20 minutes or so.

Pacific's competent vocalist.
I was
kind of bored, but i must admit that the vocalist was obviously
the most talented singer we had seen yet that day. Anyway,
i was sitting there being kind of bored with their generic
Oasis-damaged tunes, when suddenly they played a song whose
touchstone was not Oasis, but rather The Replacements. And
then they played a song that was almost metallish, with the
vocalist singing really deeply, almost goth-like. I am guessing
that these last two tunes are from earlier in their career,
while the britpop stuff is their new material. In which case
i must say, Pacific have really lost it. They were so much
better earlier in their career... |
Tracers: |
I suspect I liked Pacific a wee bit more than Postlibyan.
Their earlier songs were a bit generic, but the vocalist had
a pleasant enough voice and nothing about their music was distracting
or out of place. Then, as they began to flip between genres,
I was at least intrigued enough to wonder how representative
their set was of their sound. But then they came back, which
began to the more….interesting portion of the show.
PostLibyan: |
At this point something very strange happened. The band
joked about how they had been friends with the Promoter of
the show for a while now, but before they were friends they
were fans. And they cajoled him to come on stage and do two
of his songs. They seemed to be having a blast, and the Promoter,
some slightly older, very drunk British guy, tried very hard
to impress with his singing.

Unknown britpopper of
The thing is this: no one in the
crowd knew who the heck he was, or what band he had been
in! Seriously -- i went around asking people if they recognized
those last few songs, and no one did. (If you can identify
this person from the above photo, please email us!) This
means that either the Promoter was in some pretty obscure act,
or that Pacific butchered the songs. I am guessing option one
here, because Pacific were very competent.
So: mayhem had begun to ensue,
but things were about to get worse. Setting up after Pacific
was SIANspheric, a Canadian shoegaze band i have reviewed
on this site before. SIANspheric share band members with Toshack
Highway, which is the new project of Adam Franklin from
Swervedriver. From the way that they were setting things up
on stage, it seemed as if SIANspheric were going to play for
a while, then the guitarists would leave and the rhythm section
would carry on with Mr. Franklin. |
Tracers: |
We stepped away from the safety our booth and moved to the
front of the stage, in preparation for the set by this band
whom PostLibyan very much wanted to see. I was just confused
though: it was unclear to me (the casual listener) which band
was setting up --SIANspheric or
Toshack Highway? In fact, throughout this next chain of events,
I actually believed it was Toshack Highway on stage…
PostLibyan: |
So SIANspheric set up. Except that they were very drunk.
No, i mean, really drunk. The drummer started sound checking
by hitting the cymbals with his hands. The bassist, (apparently
the sober and sane member of the band) asked why, and the drummer
said he was too drunk to find his drumsticks, so the bassist
ran out to their van and got the guy his sticks.

SIANspheric: drunk drummer, finally with sticks.
SIANspheric set up as your standard 4-piece rock act (big surprise) with
a lot of pedals. No, a lot. And then they started to play,
and they were friggin' amazing. They created a wall of droning
sound, guitar sounds cascading through their air almost palpably,
with strong drumming and a lightly thudding bass line. This
was exactly what i had hoped they would be like.

SIANspheric in the act of creating a wall of sound!
Tracers: |
When the band I later discovered was SIANspheric began to
play, I got it. This music was indeed worth waiting for. The
loud drone surrounded us, infecting my consciousness from all
directions. I stood quietly down front, focused on the soaring
and swelling sound, watching each musician become more and
more intense. |
PostLibyan: |
And then, 10 minutes in, the drummer screwed something up
and the lead singer/guitarist THREW his guitar at the drum
kit, yelled, "Fuck this, show's over!" at the crowd
and then "You're fired!" at the drummer. The drummer,
obviously drunk and mad, threw the guitar back at the singer,
and then hurled his drumsticks at him as well. Only his aim
sucked and the sticks went into the crowd. One landed right
near me, so i got a souvenir of my 10 minute SIANspheric performance.
SIANspheric: shortly before he hurled the guitar...
Anyway, seeing the band break down like that, i now understand
why in almost 15 years they have only managed to record 3 albums,
and why every member of the band has "left" at one
point in time or another... It just stinks because they were
making such great music, and ego and/or drunkenness destroyed
it. Oh well.

Adam Franklin goes to fetch his guitar, while one of the
people looks really confused.
Tracers: |
Well that was weird. I understand that the drummer in SIANspheric was really intoxicated and likely this was just the latest
in a long line of issues. But, from where I was standing the
music sounded really good, even with the drummer's mistake.
When I saw the instrument fly, I thought, "Why?" And
I remained confused on this issue still. |
PostLibyan: |
By this point in time it was rapidly approaching dinner
time, and seeing as we had been standing around seeing rock
bands all afternoon, the Minions were in desperate need of
food. So went to Mekong River on 6th Street to have Pho. And
it was good Pho. Not as spicy as the stuff i get on Buford
Highway in Atlanta, but also not as full of unrecognizable
pieces of cow innards either. It was very satisfying, and just
the thing we needed in order to not be too drunk to see Superchunk,
an event which was still 4.5 beer-drinking hours away! |
Related Links:
Read the entire South by Southwest 2006 review:
Day 1: Dayshow
Day 1: Night showcases
Day 2
Day 3: Dayshow
Day 3: Night showcases
4: Dayshow
Day 4: Night showcases
Added bonus material:
Photo gallery: Signs around Austin
Photo gallery: hollow-bodied guitars at SXSW06
Photo gallery: Pedal fetishism
In addition, some of these acts have been reviewed before.
Links within the review point you to the appropriate places.
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