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Event: |
South By Southwest 2006 - Day 3 night showcases |
Date: |
Friday.17.March.2006 |
Location: |
Austin, TX |
Artists: |
Au Revoir Simone, Tilly and the Wall, PuMaJaW,
The High Violets, Lab Partners |
Reviewed by: |
and PostLibyan |
Photographs by: |
PostLibyan |
PostLibyan: |
The first night band we saw during the official SXSW schedule
was a New York act called Au Revoir Simone. Apparently this
band has a huge buzz in the UK, as the show was crowded with
people with British accents. Au Revoir Simone are a three-piece
synthpop and drum machine band with three women who sing in
harmony. They made very catchy music, often with a rave beat.

Au Revoir Simone: 3 voices in harmony.
They were
really fun, and rather enjoyable. I really liked their set,
and even Tracers seemed to enjoy them. Sadly, the various
band members disappeared before i could talk to them after
their set. Efficient, but inconvenient.

Au Revoir Simone: where the action is.
Tracers: |
In a phrase that characterizes much of that Friday evening,
I wasn't sure what I was expecting from Au Revoir Simone when
I was went to the show, but this certainly wasn't it. In fact,
Au Revoir Simone were one of the better acts we happened upon
by random chance, playing bouncy, energetic synthpop that had
a nice chime and beat. |
PostLibyan: |
Up next was Tilly
and the Wall. I reviewed their album,
and my enjoyment of it carried over to other Minions, many
of whom have since purchased the album. We enjoy it because
it is mostly about being a teenager in Atlanta, which we empathize
with. What i did not know going into the show is that Tilly
and the Wall have a huge buzz about them. Latitude was packed
when they played, and the crowd even spilled out to the outside
which filled up with fans and curious onlookers.

Notice the crowd gathered outside on the street
to watch Tilly and the Wall.
Tracers: |
Earlier in the day, we weren't certain whether we wanted
to actually see Tilly
and the Wall. We didn't really have any
must see bands, and as he mentions, we'd both enjoyed their
debut album. Personally, I was just curious to see how they
came across live.
PostLibyan: |
They are a schtick band, which means that they have a gimmick.
Their gimmick is that rather than having a drummer, they have
a woman who tap dances the rhythms to the songs. It's cute,
but it would get really old if they didn't write happy fun
pop tunes. The weirdest thing about the band was that, much
like a drummer, the tap-dancer would often count out the beat: "One-two-three-four!" while
tapping the rhythm of the song. I did not expect that, since
it is a normal drummer act. It made me laugh, in a good way,
and added to the general fun atmosphere of their set.

Tilly and the Wall's rhythm section.
Tracers: |
As a side effect of this percussion, which is enhanced by
the occasional tap by one of the other two women in the band,
Tilly and the Wall's front line plays while standing (or tapping)
on elevated boards. This meant that the soundguy asked, "Can
we check those boards?", which caused to me to laugh.
Unfortunately, the person standing next to me thought I was
laughing at the band. So he said to me, "Oh, I think they're
cute!", and proceeded to engage me in an occasional discussion
regarding the merits of the band.
Tilly and the Wall: even the percussionist sings, at times.
PostLibyan: |
Tilly and the
Wall are a 5-piece band, including the tap
dancer, a singer/acoustic guitarist, a lead female vocalist,
another female vocalist who sometimes played bass (and was
covered in brightly colored tattoos), and a keyboardist. The
acoustic guitarist looked familiar to me -- i think i saw him
on the Georgia State University campus here in Atlanta. Tracers
seemed to find the very tall brunette female vocalist also
familiar, so we think that they are the two Atlantans in the
band. Not that this is important, but it is our connection
with the band.

Tilly and the Wall: guitarist, possibly from Atlanta.

Tilly and the Wall: possibly another Atlantan.

Tilly and the Wall's only non-singing member, on keys.

Tilly and the Wall's non-Atlanta blonde singer.
Anyway, we had no idea they were so popular.
It was rather surreal actually. The crowd was dancing and cheering
and singing along. The band was also having a really great
time, and the whole atmosphere was really fun. When the band
played Nights
of the Living Dead and the band sang, "And
we wandered out onto the dirty streets of Atlanta", the
entire crowd screamed along, cheering like mad after they mentioned
my city. I stood there, looking around at the crowd, thinking, "Have
any of you been to Atlanta ?" This was the most surreal
moment in all of SXW06 for me. Still, Tilly
and the Wall were
very very fun. They are supposed to be touring in the late
spring, and i will definitely be checking them out when they
play Atlanta. |
Tracers: |
I was simply entranced by the way Tilly
and the Wall engaged
the crowd. People all around me sang and danced along with
the band. In fact, from my vantage point, I could see people
standing in the street outside of the open windows of the bar.
The band acknowledged them by turning to sing and play. And,
as PostLibyan points out, Nights of the Living Dead was
a highlight of their set, with the entire crowded bouncing
and singing ostensibly about my hometown. Cool.
PostLibyan: |
The next band i wanted to see wasn't performing until 11
PM , over an hour away, but they were performing almost a mile
up the street from Latitude, so, energized from the Tilly
and the Wall set, we headed out for the long walk to The
Molotov Lounge. The band we were going to see was called The
High Violets, and in their SXSW directory biography they described
themselves as a Cocteau
Twins influenced band. I took this
pronouncement as a challenge. After all, i am a huge CT fan,
and Robin Guthrie (guitarist and producer of Cocteau Twins)
has read my writing on the band here on this site. I admit
to being kind of offended that anyone would dare mention CT in their bio, but i was curious at the same time. Any act that
at least is familiar enough with my favorite band to compare
themselves to them must be worth something. And i was able
to drag Tracers along because the label that The High Violets
record for is Reverb Records, named after her favorite type
of guitar distortion.
Anyway, we took the long walk and ended
up in time to have a lovely draft beer (why do so many of
the venues at SXSW only have bottled beer?) and catch the last
half of the set by PuMaJaw. This was a weird two-piece act
with a guy who played electronic percussion and heavily effected
acoustic guitar and a woman who sang in a vaguely Lisa Gerrard
(of Dead Can Dance)-ish Celtic style. They were ... interesting.
Very different, i will grant them that. Later, in the men's
room, i read on a poster that the male member of the band
was formerly in British avante-garde shoegaze act Loop. I
kind of enjoyed their set, but i was very glad to have a seat
when they performed. It wasn't the most energetic music, but
was oddly enjoyable.
Tracers: |
Although PuMaJaw seemed a bit odd for a rather large venue
in the apparently trendy Warehouse district of Austin, the
Molotov Lounge proved to be both entertaining and comfortable.
First of all, they had soft comfortable chairs in which to
rest my bones. Combined with the draft beer, I was settled
in a for a nice long evening. Furthermore, as it was St Patrick's
Day, I got the added entertainment of watching legions of drunk
individuals head down the somewhat steep stairs from the upstairs
bar into our area, where the restrooms was located |
PostLibyan: |
As PuMaJaw geared out, The High Violets set up. I admit
that i was very interested in this band, for the reasons i
enumerated above. They are a Portland, Oregon band (what is
it with the Portland bands this year? Is it because my former
Atlanta sidekick Sparklehonkey had moved there for graduate
school? Portland bands seem to be everywhere this SXSW!), and
a four-piece with a gorgeous swarthy (Indian? Maybe Italian,,.)
vocalist girl playing a huge hollow-bodied guitar. Anyway,
between her, the guitarist (Clint), and the bassist, they officially
had a ton of pedals.

The High Violets: check out the guitar on that babe!

Clint, the very nice guitarist in The High Violets.
Their music i would describe as a slowed-down
version of what Mean
Red Spiders do. It was slowish shoegaze,
with nice swirly guitars and rich female vocals. They were
definitely very fun, and certainly along the lines of the
type of stuff that i listen to. Tracers thought that what they
were doing was more jangle-pop with a bit of echo, but she
seemed to enjoy them as well. I was definitely happy we made
the long walk to see them. |
Tracers: |
I'm not a huge Cocteau Twins fan, but I have seen them live
and let me tell you, The High Violets did not sound like Cocteau
Twins, unless you count the fact that they had a female vocalist.
Otherwise, they had a nice jangle with enough pedals and effects
to push them towards shoegaze territory. Their music was interesting
and different enough to keep me mentally occupied and content
to sip on a beer, watching the occasional person pinball down
the stairs in front of me. |
PostLibyan: |
Up next was another band from the same label, Dayton, Ohio
's Lab Partners. This was another 4-piece act, including a
drummer, a female keyboardist, and two guitarists who had,
between the two of them, about 20 pedals and 5 guitars. Their
music was a sort of Verve-damaged psychedelic rock, and i really
enjoyed them.

Lab Partners: in action.

Still more Lab Partners.
Still, it had been a long day, and even though
more bands were scheduled to play, Tracers and i decided
to take the long walk back the hotel and crash out. A good
end to our third day at SXSW06. |
Tracers: |
I enjoyed Lab Partners, although I believe I liked The High
Violets about more. Still Lab Partners filled my ears with
an enjoyable sound that left me in a good mood to face the
walk back to the hotel, as we dodged and ignored the staggering
masses. |
Related Links:
Read the entire South by Southwest 2006 review:
Day 1: Dayshow
Day 1: Night showcases
Day 2
Day 3: Dayshow
3: Night showcases
Day 4: Dayshow
Day 4: Night showcases
Added bonus material:
Photo gallery: Signs around Austin
Photo gallery: hollow-bodied guitars at SXSW06
Photo gallery: Pedal fetishism
In addition, some of these acts have been reviewed before.
Links within the review point you to the appropriate places.
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