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Event: |
South By Southwest 2006 - Day 1 dayshows |
Date: |
Wednesday.15.March.2006 |
Location: |
Austin, TX |
Artists: |
Rachel Goldstar, Tuung, My Education |
Reviewed by: |
and PostLibyan |
Photographs by: |
PostLibyan |
Brendan: |
For the second year running I have dispatched my Minions
to that den of sin, grilled meats, alcohol, and loudness known
as South By SouthWest in Austin, TX . There they encountered
many strange sights and heard many interesting acts. Please
be patient as they describe their 5 day musical odyssey.
PostLibyan: |
The very first thing we did at SXSW, aside from checking
in, registering, etc. was go to the Clairecords/ToneVendor in-store at End
of an Ear Records in South Austin. I had really
wanted to go to this event seeing as i adore the Clairecords label
(see reviews of Isobella, Eau
Claire, and Monster
Movie, among
others), and spend a lot of cash at their on-line store, ToneVendor.
That said, i have exchanged much correspondence with Dan and
Heather, who run both, and i wanted to meet them. This was
accomplished, and they were nice folk. In addition, we got
to catch a few acts that are either on Clairecords or distributed
by ToneVendor.

L-R: PostLibyan, Dan, Heather.
We walked in (after chatting with Hitchhike,
who did not play this year but still we kept running into them)
to catch the last three tunes by Rachel Goldstar. You might
remember her from such bands as Experimental Aircraft or Eau
Claire, or
as the head of the Rollerderby
Records label. Today she was
playing guitar (with several effects) and keys while singing,
accompanied by a drummer and a bassist. We caught three songs
of slow, shoegazery goodness, the last of which really reminded
me of Experimental Aircraft, and might have been an actual
cover version. I do not have their entire catalog, so i could
be mistaken. Either way, it was really nice, and the sound
in End of an Ear (which is actually just a small record store)
was fairly good.

Rachel Goldstar and her drummer/fiance.
While instruments were changed out, Tracers and i stepped
outside, where we promptly ran into Jeff Clark and the Stomp
and Stammer crowd. Sheesh, we travel 850 or so miles to stand
around talking with people we see at The EARL every week or
two. Wierd. |
Tracers: |
Well, at least this year it was a solid 24 hours before
we ran into any of the Atlanta crowd! Still, I do find it humorous
that out of the gazillon folks in Austin, within an hour of
leaving the hotel, we managed to run into people we know (both
from Atlanta as well as from Austin). Small world.

Tracers kicks the festival off with the first official beer.
PostLibyan: |
Shortly, the second act went on. This was a big group (6
or 7 people -- it was hard to tell from where i was standing
as some were sitting down and i couldn't get an accurate count)
with English accents. They played slow music that was vaguely
folkish. I guess they are a freak folk act, although i confess
an unfamiliarity with the genre. I am unfamiliar with it principally
because on my few exposures to said genre i found it deeply
irritating. This band was no exception, with weird stoned out
vocals and odd rhythms that just never seemed to gel for me.
Still, some folks seemed to enjoy them, and i know that the
freak folk genre is a growth industry right now, so they might
do quite well for themselves. The act was called Tuung, if
you are interested, although i am not 100% sure now to pronounce

Tuung: group quirkiness.

Tuung: waiting for her chance to sing.
Tracers: |
It may have been the relatively large crowd at the day show,
or may be it was the lack of some place to sit, but Tuung did
little for me. However, I could see them being more interesting
in a traditional venue (i.e., with an elevated stage) so that
I could watch the different musicians and their styles. I find
that with this genre some of the charm comes from being able
to see what the band is actually doing, which for me at least
enhances the enjoyment of the music.
PostLibyan: |
After Tuung finished, and it seemed like they played forever,
My Education took the stage. I have heard several tracks by
these guys on various Clairecords compilation CDs. They are
an Austin post-rock ensemble, making meandering instrumental
music out of guitars, bass, drums, piano, and violin. They
are a 6-piece band, doubling up on guitar, and they played
4 songs. The first two were kind of noodley, in that they seemed
to wander about without any definite structure, like some of
the more abstract moments of Do
Make Say Think or Tristeza.
But their last two songs were simply phenomenal. The first
of these was a piano-based number that moved under a slow rhythm
and was very lovely. The second featured a stronger violin
part, so much that the song bore a slight Dirty
Three comparison,
and the violinist played long, slow notes with great passion.
These last two songs were so great that i wanted them to play
more. However, well, in true post-rock tradition the 4 songs
took a little over half an hour, and so the instore ended and
The Minions headed off in search of solid food.

My Education: Guitar and Piano.
My Education: Bassist.
My Education: violinist.
Tracers: |
Of the three acts we heard this afternoon, I certainly thought
My Education were the best. The first couple of songs meandered
a bit too much for my liking. But about halfway through the
set, the band hit their stride and you could see what they
were trying to do. More importantly, they actually seemed to
accomplish creating a soundscape that surrounded you and drew
you into their musical world. |
Related Links:
Read the entire South by Southwest 2006 review:
1: Dayshow
Day 1: Night showcases
Day 2
Day 3: Dayshow
Day 3: Night showcases
Day 4: Dayshow
Day 4: Night showcases
Added bonus material:
Photo gallery: Signs around Austin
Photo gallery: hollow-bodied guitars at SXSW06
Photo gallery: Pedal fetishism
In addition, some of these acts have been reviewed before.
Links within the review point you to the appropriate places.
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